“Don’t be bound by the past and its failures. But don’t forget its lessons either.”

Billy Graham

“When God forgives us and purifies us of our sin, He also forgets it. Forgiveness results in God dropping the charges against us.”

Billy Graham

“Christ’s church is a place to grow people up in the Lord, not to enhance our leisure time.”

Billy Graham

“Those who read the Scriptures as magnificent literature, breath-taking poetry, or history and overlook the story of salvation miss the Bible’s real meaning and message.”

Billy Graham

“We need to fortify ourselves with the Word of God.”

Billy Graham

“Too many so-called Christians are like the little chameleon which adapts its coloration to that of its surroundings. Even a critical world is quick to recognize a real Christian and just as quick to detect a counterfeit.”

Billy Graham

“Before three thousand people were brought into the church on the day of Pentecost, the disciples had spent fifty days in prayer, fasting, and spiritual travail.”

Billy Graham

“At its deepest level, prayer is fellowship with God: enjoying His company, waiting upon His will, thanking Him for His mercies . . . listening in the silence for what He has to say to us.”

Billy Graham

“There is not one verse of Scripture that indicates you can be a Christian and live any kind of a life you want to. When Christ enters into the human heart, He expects to be Lord and Master. He commands complete surrender.”

Billy Graham

“I don’t believe that young people today can live clean, pure lives without the help of God. The peer pressure is too great and the temptations they see in the movies and on television, and what they hear in their music is too much. Only Christ can give them the power to say no.”

Billy Graham

“Our imaginations are so stilted. The very thought of being like Jesus is breathtaking.”

Billy Graham

“I hope the day will never come when the church abandons the “class meeting” and the prayer service . . .The old-fashioned “testimony” meeting should be revived, for through this medium we can share with others our faith and triumphs as well as our needs and mistakes.”

Billy Graham

“Learn to keep close to [Jesus], to listen to His voice, and follow Him.”

Billy Graham

“I believe in angels because the Bible says there are angels; and I believe the Bible to be the true Word of God.”

Billy Graham

“The only one who can re-create us is the One who created us in the first place. If your watch were out of order, you wouldn’t take it to a blacksmith. If your car needed overhauling, you wouldn’t go to a machine shop. Our spiritual problems can be solved only by the God who created us originally.”

Billy Graham

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