“Only the Lord Jesus can redeem the soul that is steeped in guilt and shame. This baggage weighs us down until we accept Jesus’ gift—the gift that liberates souls from sin’s power.”

Billy Graham

“Have you ever seen a person who was receiving a blood transfusion? The blood was precious, life-giving, and certainly not repulsive. The blood of Christ may seem to be a grim and repulsive subject . . .[but] the blood of Christ is precious.”

Billy Graham

“Itinerant evangelists are the most important ambassadors and messengers on earth. They are a mighty army, spreading out across the world with a vision to reach their own people for Christ.”

Billy Graham

“The Bible teaches that we are to live in this world, but we are not to partake of the evils of the world. We are to be separated from the world of evil. When I face something in the world, I ask: “Does it violate any principle of Scripture? Does it take the keen edge off my Christian life? Can I ask God’s blessing on it? Will it be a stumbling block to others? Would I like to be there, or reading that, or be watching that, if Christ should return at that time?”

Billy Graham

“The whole world ought to know the story of the Bible.”

Billy Graham

“There are many bibles of different religions; there is the Mohammedan Koran, the Buddhist Canon of Sacred Scripture, the Zoroastrian Zend-Avesta, and the Brahman Veda . . . they all begin with some flashes of true light, and end in utter darkness. Even the most casual observer soon discovers that the Bible is radically different. It is the only Book that offers redemption to us and points the way out of our dilemma.”

Billy Graham

“When we know God personally through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ, we can have confidence that the angels of God will watch over us and assist us because we belong to Him.”

Billy Graham

“Bitterness is anger gone sour, an attitude of deep discontent that poisons our souls and destroys our peace.”

Billy Graham

“The Lord Jesus Christ is preparing a home fit for all who live for Him, a place designed for the church triumphant. Let’s exemplify the work of His hands, for they are busy, on our behalf, building a city large enough to encompass His people of faith—an eternal home for the soul.”

Billy Graham

“Much of the world believes little or nothing. People are broad but shallow. Agnosticism, anxiety, emptiness, and meaninglessness have gripped much of the world—and even the church . . . By contrast, our Pilgrim forebears stand as shining examples of men who were narrow but deep, certain of what they believed, unswerving in their loyalty,  and passionately dedicated to the God they trusted, and for whom they would willingly have died.”

Billy Graham

“When Jesus was tempted, He didn’t debate the devil. He quoted Scripture: “It is written . . . It is written . . . It is written” (Matthew 4:4–10 NKJV). And each time the devil was defeated.”

Billy Graham

“We have exchanged love of family and home for cyberfriends and living in constant motion that robs the soul from memories—and perhaps from that still, small voice that longs to be heard.”

Billy Graham

“Before you “re-think” your faith, it may be wise to examine the critics of the Bible. In the end your faith will be even stronger.”

Billy Graham

“One of the devil’s methods is to attack everyone . . . He knows that the Word of God is powerful, and he will try to keep you from it.”

Billy Graham

“Learn from your disappointments and failures and with God’s help seek to overcome them. Ask yourself, could I have done anything to prevent this? Were my hopes and dreams unrealistic, or were my motives wrong? Is there a new path God wants me to explore?”

Billy Graham

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