“From the beginning of time until the present moment, man’s ungodly quest for power, his determination to use his gift of free choice for his own selfish ends, has brought him to the brink of doom.”
Billy Graham
“Jesus told His disciples that the “world,” meaning the world system, the political and social order organized apart from God, will despise Christians.”
Billy Graham
“One of life’s mysteries is why two children growing up in the same home sometimes take radically different paths—one following Christ, the other rebellious and scornful. Yet it happens.”
Billy Graham
“Our emotions can lie to us, and we need to counter our emotions with truth.”
Billy Graham
“Christianity is a Gospel of crisis. It proclaims unmistakably that this world’s days are numbered.”
Billy Graham
“Death is not the end of life; it is only the gateway to eternity.”
Billy Graham
“If we who have the Holy Spirit living and working within us falter and fail, what hope is there for the rest of the world?”
Billy Graham
“We’ve tried calling sin “errors” or mistakes” or “poor judgment,” but sin itself has stayed the same. No matter how we try to salve our conscience, we’ve known all along that men are still sinners; and the results of sin are still disease, disappointment, disillusionment, despair, and death.”
Billy Graham
“The Pilgrims . . . put their ideals ahead of all material considerations. It is not surprising that the Pilgrims had little and succeeded, while we have much and are in danger of failing. No civilization can make progress unless some great principle is generously mixed into the mortar of its foundations in life.”
Billy Graham
“Sooner or later, we are going to face death; should we be making preparations while we are living?”
Billy Graham
“We can hold nothing back [from God]. He must control and dominate us [wholly]. It is a surrender without any conditions attached. This surrender is a definite and conscious act on our part in obedience to the Word of God.”
Billy Graham
“Greed is an unreasonable or all-absorbing desire to acquire things or wealth. One test of greed is that it is never satisfied. Greed is repeatedly condemned in the Bible.”
Billy Graham
“Jesus made everything so simple and we have made it so complicated. He spoke to the people in short sentences and everyday words, illustrating His messages with never-to-be forgotten stories.”
Billy Graham
“The cross shows the seriousness of our sin—
but it also shows us the immeasurable love of God.”
Billy Graham