“Paul crouched at the ready and, as he had been trained to do after first blood, called out: “Do you yield?”

Frank Herbert

“hold at your neck the gom jabbar,” she said. “The gom jabbar, the high-handed enemy. It’s a needle with a drop of poison on its tip. Ah-ah! Don’t pull away or you’ll feel that poison.”

Frank Herbert

“Our supremacy on Caladan,” the Duke said, “depended on sea and air power. Here, we must develop something I choose to call desert power.

Frank Herbert

“I told my nephew of the great esteem our Emperor holds for you, Count Fenring,” the Baron said. And he thought: Mark him well, Feyd! A killer with the manners of a rabbit—this is the most dangerous kind.”

Frank Herbert

“Do as she says, you wormfaced, crawling, sand-brained piece of lizard turd!”

Frank Herbert

“And he thought then about the Guild—the force that had specialized for so long that it had become a parasite, unable to exist independently of the life upon which it fed. They had never dared grasp the sword…and now they could not grasp it. They might have taken Arrakis when they realized the error of specializing on the melange awareness-spectrum narcotic for their navigators. They could have done this, lived their glorious day and died. Instead, they’d existed from moment to moment, hoping the seas in which they swam might produce a new host when the old one died.”

Frank Herbert

“Paul felt that he had been infected with terrible purpose. He did not know yet what the terrible purpose was.”

Frank Herbert

“A duke's son MUST know about poisons. It's the way of our times.”

Frank Herbert

“Your own emperor bestowed Arrakis on House Atreides. I am House Atreides.” The”

Frank Herbert

“No tengo miedo. El miedo mata a la mente. El miedo es la pequeña muerte que conduce a la destrucción total. Afrontaré mi miedo. Permitiré que pase sobre mí y a través de mí. Y cuando haya pasado, giraré mi ojo interior para escrutar su camino.”

Frank Herbert

“Climb the mountain just a little bit to test that it’s a mountain. From the top of the mountain, you cannot see the mountain.”

Frank Herbert

“How often it is that the angry man rages denial of what his inner self is telling him.”

Frank Herbert

“All around the Lady Jessica—piled in corners of the Arrakeen great hall, mounded in the open spaces—stood the packaged freight of their lives: boxes, trunks, cartons, cases—some partly unpacked.”

Frank Herbert

“The mind commands the body and it obeys. The mind orders itself and meets resistance.”

Frank Herbert

“The Fremen have a simple, practical religion,” he said. “Nothing about religion is simple.”

Frank Herbert

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