“With men [it is] impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God. MARK 10:27”

Joyce Meyer

“If you have goals and procrastination, you have nothing. If you have goals and you take action, you will have anything you want.” Thomas J. Vilord”

Joyce Meyer

“Don’t give your family and friends the scraps you have left over while you give the world your best. The world will let you down in the end. It will take everything you have and disappear when you are in need.”

Joyce Meyer

“If you abide in My word [hold fast to My teachings and live in accordance with them], you are truly My disciples. And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free. JOHN 8:31–32” 

Joyce Meyer

“Do yourself a favor and forgive anyone that has anything against you. Do it as an act of faith and trust God to change and heal your emotions. Pray for your enemies and never say another unkind thing about them. It is the only way you can move past the pain and begin to heal.”

Joyce Meyer

“Be content with what you have, refuse to focus on what you don’t have; love others; and stay hopeful concerning what you want and need.” 

Joyce Meyer

“Nuestros actos son el resultado directo de nuestras ideas.

Joyce Meyer

“Trusting God means believing He lives in you, and all that is His is yours. Be strong and courageous and never give up, and you will have everything He wants you to have in life.”

Joyce Meyer

“Don't let your feelings be a God to you.”

Joyce Meyer

“If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals upon his head. Do not let yourself be overcome by evil, but overcome (master) evil with good. (Romans 12:20–21)”

Joyce Meyer

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned or scorched, nor will the flame kindle upon you. Isaiah 43:2”

Joyce Meyer

“We only have one life to give, and we should be careful who and what we give it to.”

Joyce Meyer

“For example, when the preacher in a service tells the audience to open to a certain passage of Scripture, we love to open our Bible and be proud of how we have it marked up in all different colors. We may have Scriptures underlined, with handwritten notes beside them. We secretly hope the people around us will notice and think well of us because we appear to have studied quite a lot. We want people to think we are spiritual, but we must realize that God is not impressed with how many Scriptures we have underlined.

Joyce Meyer

“Trust in Him Are you doing your part to study God’s Word, believe it, and trust Him? When you do, He will do the rest.”

Joyce Meyer

“I finally did a series of teachings called “The Lionhearted Lamb” because I began to get a revelation from God that if I did not have a lamb-like nature, I would not have the power of the Holy Ghost manifesting in my ministry. But at the same time I was told that the righteous are to be as bold as a lion. So then I understood that I needed to be meek, sweet and gentle toward people, but bold, tough and aggressive with the devil—because that is the way he is with us.

Joyce Meyer

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