“I am not where I need to be, but, thank God, I am not where I used to be.”
Joyce Meyer
“The best way to resist the temptation to give up when times are hard is to pray that you won’t give in to the temptation. It’s wiser and more effective to pray and ask for God’s help as you stand against temptation than to try to exert willpower alone. Work with God, and pray you won’t surrender to the temptation to give up.”
Joyce Meyer
“Patience is a fruit of the spirit that grows only under trial. It is useless to pray for patience. Well, actually I encourage you to pray for patience, but I'll tell you what you'll get TRIALS!”
Joyce Meyer
“As we leave this chapter, choose a habit you want to form and begin putting these principles into practice. Be patient with yourself. It takes time to create habits, and you may not succeed every day. If you realize you have failed, don’t waste time being discouraged; just pick up where you left off and begin again. Be kind to yourself, because beating yourself up for every mistake is another bad habit that needs to be broken.”
Joyce Meyer
“Perhaps you need to look up and around instead of back and down. Lift your eyes and see the amazing future which bursts with hope for you in God! Don’t spend your life mourning over what you have lost and what is already gone; take an inventory of what you have left and keep going, one foot in front of the other, one step of faith at a time. Remember, God is on your side!”
Joyce Meyer
“If you make a choice in this conference and you stick to it to be an excellent person in everything you do and you stick to it especially to be excellent when nobody is looking and do it not to get a result but to glorify God you’re going to have peace and joy and you’re going to have results. My concern is that if we just do something to get results then we’re not likely to follow things all the way through to the finish, because we get very discouraged, and I think that’s one of the reasons we have such discouragement among people. “Well, I’m doing this, and I expected to get a breakthrough before now.” ….. Well, I think God has to purify our hearts and get us to the point where we are not just doing something right just to get something!”
Joyce Meyer
“Always cooperate with the work God is doing in you. The more we resist, the longer it takes. Don’t ever let how you feel dictate God’s love for you. He is always loving us, even when our circumstances don’t make us feel good.”
Joyce Meyer
“Above all that I put on, I put on love. I clothe myself with behavior marked by mercy, tender hearted pity, kind feeling, a lowly opinion of myself, gentle ways [and] patience. I have the power to endure whatever comes with good temper. I am gentle and forbearing with others and, if I have a difference or a grievance with someone; even as the Lord has [freely] forgiven me, I also forgive others. —COLOSSIANS 3:12-14”
Joyce Meyer
“For whatever a man sows, that and that only is what he will reap. —GALATIANS 6:7”
Joyce Meyer
“Gaining a victory is more difficult than maintaining it once you have it.”
Joyce Meyer
“Romans 6 - Our flesh is the instrument that Satan works through. When we say no to the flesh, we say no to the devil.”
Joyce Meyer
“If you find yourself cluttered up and done in by disorganization, ask yourself why you seem to hang on to everything that comes your way. Do you feel obligated to keep it just because someone gave it to you? Of course, we don’t want to hurt people’s feelings, but on the other hand, if a gift is given correctly, it comes with no strings attached. If someone truly gives you a gift, it should be yours to do with as you please.”
Joyce Meyer
“God abundantly supplies all my needs; I will get out of debt; the Lord takes pleasure in my prosperity; God gives me favor; He opens right doors for me and closes wrong ones; God wants to bless me, and I’m willing to take it.”
Joyce Meyer
“Don’t wait to “feel” like doing a thing to do it. Live by decision, not emotion.”
Joyce Meyer
“God has given me one new commandment that I should love others just as He has loved me. —JOHN 13:34”
Joyce Meyer