“January 10 Pursuing Peace I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. JOHN 16:33 Peace is one of the greatest blessings that God has given us, and we should thank Him for it daily. Simply desiring a life of peace is not enough. You have to pursue peace with God, peace with yourself, and peace with those around you. I have found that the more thankful I am, the more peaceful I am. Gratitude helps me focus on what I have instead of what I don’t have, allowing me to stay focused on my blessings instead of worrying. When walking in peace becomes a priority, you will make the effort needed to see it happen. I spent years praying for God to give me peace and finally realized He had already provided peace, but I had to choose it. Jesus said in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you.” Jesus has already provided your peace. Make the decision to walk in that peace today! Prayer of Thanks Father, thank You that You have provided everything I need to live at peace. Today, I choose to pursue that peace and live at rest, knowing You are greater than any trial or tribulation I may be going through. You are everything I need. You are my peace.”

Joyce Meyer

“I am not where I need to be, but, thank God, I am not where I used to be.”

Joyce Meyer


Joyce Meyer

“You have strengths and weaknesses, and you do things right and you do things wrong. You sin, just as everyone else does. And sin is sin, despite its nature or magnitude. Regardless of how hard we try, none of us will ever be completely perfect in this life, but not being perfect at everything we do does not mean we have no worth or value. You are special—unique—and that means there is only one like you, imperfections and all.”

Joyce Meyer

“Calm down, stop trying to figure out the answers, and turn your focus to God.”

Joyce Meyer

“The power of life and death are in the tongue, and we eat the fruit of them (Proverbs 18:21). Our words affect us and the people around us. They also affect what God is able to do for us. We cannot have a negative mouth and a positive life.”

Joyce Meyer

“It is so wonderful and comforting to know that when everyone else only sees our faults, God still sees our possibilities.”

Joyce Meyer

“Remain steadfast in your belief, and you will be delivered.”

Joyce Meyer

“No day needs to be ordinary if we realize the gift God is giving us when He gives us another day to live and enjoy. An extraordinary attitude can quickly turn an ordinary day into an amazing adventure. Jesus said He came so that we might have and enjoy life (see John 10:10). If we refuse to enjoy it, then it’s no one’s fault but our own. I would like to suggest that you take responsibility for your joy and never again give anyone else the job of keeping you happy.”

Joyce Meyer

“We can get excited by thinking about what all we have or can have, OR we can get discouraged by thinking about what all we don't have.”

Joyce Meyer

“Love Others Today: Be a person whose convictions are based on God’s Word, and do what God calls you to do to act on them.” 

Joyce Meyer

“As we look then at these two powerful tools of the enemy, we see that doubt causes a person to waver between two opinions, whereas unbelief leads to disobedience.

Joyce Meyer

“We have free access to God. We can go before Him anytime we want to. We don’t need a special invitation. The throne room is always open, God is always home, He is never napping or on the phone. We can go boldly, expecting Him to meet our need and do it willingly and joyfully.”

Joyce Meyer

“God can give us words of comfort or direction, and we can be very excited, filled with faith, feeling bold and able to conquer the enemy.”

Joyce Meyer

“An addiction is something that controls people—something they feel they cannot do without or something they do to alleviate pain or pressure. It is what people run to when they are hurting or feel lonely. It comes in many varieties, such as drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, shopping, eating, work—and yes, even approval. Like any addict, insecure people look for a “fix” when they get shaky. They need someone to reaffirm them and assure them everything is all right and they are acceptable. When a person has an addiction the things they are addicted to are on their mind most of the time. Therefore, if a person is an approval addict, he or she will have an abnormal concern and an abundance of thoughts about what people think of them

Joyce Meyer

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