“Podemos desarrollar la humildad de manera práctica: reconociendo nuestras debilidades, siendo tolerantes con las debilidades de otros, estando dispuestos a ser corregidos y destacando lo que hacen los demás. Pablo aconsejó: «Vivan siempre en armonía. Y no sean orgullosos, sino traten como iguales a la gente humilde. No se crean más inteligentes que los demás«.13 A los cristianos de Filipos les escribió: «Honren más a los demás que a ustedes. No se interesen solo en ustedes, sino interésense en la vida de los demás».14 La humildad no es pensar menos de ti mismo, sino pensar menos en ti mismo. Humildad es pensar más en los demás. Las personas humildes se interesan tanto en servir a otros que no piensan en sí mismas.” 

Rick Warren

“DAY 7 Thinking about My Purpose POINT TO PONDER: It’s all for him. VERSE TO REMEMBER: “For everything comes from God alone. Everything lives by his power, and everything is for his glory.” ROMANS 11:36 (LB) QUESTION TO CONSIDER: Where in my daily routine can I become more aware of God’s glory?”

Rick Warren

“If you don’t know how to be happy with what you have, you will never be happy with more.”

Rick Warren

“Jesus taught that spiritual maturity is never an end in itself. Maturity is for ministry! We grow up in order to give out. It is not enough to keep learning more and more. We must act on what we know and practice what we claim to believe.”

Rick Warren

“Busyness is a great enemy of relationships. We become preoccupied with making a living, doing our work, paying bills, and accomplishing goals as if these tasks are the point of life. They are not. The point of life is learning to love — God and people. Life minus love equals zero.”

Rick Warren

“It is a fatal mistake to assume that God’s goal for your life is material prosperity or popular success, as the world defines it. The abundant life has nothing to do with material abundance, and faithfulness to God does not guarantee success in a career or even in ministry. Never focus on temporary crowns

Rick Warren

“We're not completely happy here because we're not supposed to be!”

Rick Warren

“Love should be your top priority, primary objective, and greatest ambition. Love is not a good part of your life; it’s the most important part. The Bible says, “Let love be your greatest aim.”

Rick Warren

“The most desired gift of love is not diamonds or roses or chocolate. It is focused attention. Love concentrates so intently on another that you forget yourself at that moment. Attention says, “I value you enough to give you my most precious asset — my time.” Whenever you give your time, you are making a sacrifice, and sacrifice is the essence of love. Jesus modeled this: “Be full of love for others, following the example of Christ who loved you and gave Himself to God as a sacrifice to take away your sins” (Ephesians 5:2, LB).”

Rick Warren

“No eres un accidente Yo soy tu Creador. Te cuidé aun antes de que nacieras. ISAÍAS 44:2 (par) Dios no juega a los dados. ALBERT EINSTEIN”

Rick Warren

“We accept our humanity intellectually, but not emotionally. When faced with our own limitations, we react with irritation, anger, and resentment. We want to be taller (or shorter), smarter, stronger, more talented, more beautiful, and wealthier. We want to have it all and do it all, and we become upset when it doesn’t happen. Then when we notice that God gave others characteristics we don’t have, we respond with envy, jealousy, and self-pity.”

Rick Warren

“El plan Daniel sea distinto a otros métodos. Está construido sobre el poder de Dios para ayudarte a cambiar, no solamente sobre tu propia fuerza de voluntad. Seamos sinceros. La fuerza de voluntad funciona durante unas semanas, o quizá durante un mes o dos como mucho. Por eso los propósitos de Año Nuevo nunca duran. Intentar cambiar solo con la fuerza de voluntad es agotador. Puedes mantenerlo un tiempo, pero se siente artificial y estresante obligarte a ser distinto simplemente con la fuerza de voluntad.”

Rick Warren

“Betsy: "Do you have daddy issues, Warren?" Warren: "Dad was supportive, intelligent, read to me as a kid, left me a trillion dollars. It's hard to complain.”

Rick Warren

“God wants your life — all of it. Ninety-five percent is not enough.”

Rick Warren

“Put Jesus Christ in the driver’s seat of your life and take your hands off the steering wheel.”

Rick Warren

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