“As so many people in the Bible did, tell God exactly how you feel.”
Rick Warren
“What matters is not the duration of your life, but the donation of it.”
Rick Warren
“It is a fatal mistake to assume that God’s goal for your life is material prosperity or popular success, as the world defines it. The abundant life has nothing to do with material abundance, and faithfulness to God does not guarantee success in a career or even in ministry. Never focus on temporary crowns.”
Rick Warren
“While life on earth offers many choices, eternity offers only two: heaven or hell. Your relationship to God on earth will determine your relationship to him in eternity.”
Rick Warren
“In Eden, worship was not an event to attend, but a perpetual attitude.”
Rick Warren
“The New testament commanded to love each other, pray for each other, encourage each other, admonish each other, greet each other, serve each other, teach each other, accept each other, honor each other, bear each other's burdens, forgive each other, submit to each other, be devoted each other, and many other mutual tasks. This is biblical membership!”
Rick Warren
“So don’t be troubled by trouble. Circumstances cannot change the character of God. God’s grace is still in full force; he is still for you, even when you don’t feel it.
Rick Warren
“Most people fail to realize that money is both a test and trust from God.”
Rick Warren
“Para ser un discípulo robusto de Jesús, alimentarte de la Palabra de Dios debe ser tu prioridad.”
Rick Warren
“You can guilt yourself into doing anything short-term, but the change will last only as long as the guilt (or fear) does.”
Rick Warren
“«Nunca dudes en la oscuridad de lo que Dios te dijo en la luz».”
Rick Warren
“Happiness isn't getting all that you want. It's enjoying all that you have.”
Rick Warren
“You weren't put on earth to be remembered. You were put here to prepare for eternity.
Rick Warren
“Our habits control our lives. We shape our habits; then our habits shape us.”
Rick Warren