“Para ser un discípulo robusto de Jesús, alimentarte de la Palabra de Dios debe ser tu prioridad.”

Rick Warren

“As long as you do things for God, you are a Hall of Famer in heaven's list.”

Rick Warren

“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” 2 CORINTHIANS 4:18”

Rick Warren

“your character is the sum total of your habits. You can’t claim to be kind unless you are habitually kind — you show kindness without even thinking about it. You can’t claim to have integrity unless it is your habit to always be honest.”

Rick Warren

“As so many people in the Bible did, tell God exactly how you feel.”

Rick Warren

“If you are serious about changing your life, you are going to have to get into the Bible.”

Rick Warren

“To discover you purpose in life you must turn to God's Word, not the world's wisdom. You must build your life on eternal truths, not pop psychology, success-motivation, or inspirational stories.”

Rick Warren

“Right now, God is inviting you to live for his glory by fulfilling the purposes he made you for. It’s really the only way to live. Everything else is just existing. Real life begins by committing yourself completely to Jesus Christ.”

Rick Warren

“Humility is not putting yourself down or denying your strengths; rather, it is being honest about your weaknesses. The more honest you are, the more of God’s grace you get.”

Rick Warren

“...God doesn't wait for you to reach maturity before he starts liking you. He loves and enjoys you at every stage of your spiritual development.”

Rick Warren

“Most people fail to realize that money is both a test and trust from God.”

Rick Warren

“A life devoted to things is a dead life, a stump; a God-shaped life is a flourishing tree. PROVERBS 11:28”

Rick Warren

“Fellowship is a place of grace, where mistakes aren't rubbed in but rubbed out.”

Rick Warren

“God gives us the grace and power to have a relationship with him.”

Rick Warren

“To make the most of your life, you must keep the vision of eternity continually in your mind and the value of it in your heart.”

Rick Warren

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