“You cannot exalt God and yourself at the same time.”

Rick Warren

“Many people are driven by materialism. Their desire to acquire becomes the whole goal of their lives. This drive to always want more is based on the misconceptions that having more will make me more happy, more important, and more secure, but all three ideas are untrue. Possessions only provide temporary happiness. Because things do not change, we eventually become bored with them and then want newer, bigger, better versions.”

Rick Warren

“Put Jesus Christ in the driver’s seat of your life and take your hands off the steering wheel.”

Rick Warren

“Life minus love equals zero.”

Rick Warren

“If God never did anything else for you, he would still deserve your continual praise for the rest of your life because of what Jesus did for you on the cross. God’s Son died for you! This is the greatest reason for worship.”

Rick Warren

“Spiritual emptiness is a universal disease.”

Rick Warren

“Dear Jesus, more than anything else, I want to get to know you intimately.”

Rick Warren

“God keeps his promise, and he will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm; at the time you are put to the test, he will give you the strength to endure it, and so provide you with a way out.”

Rick Warren

“Eggs do not raise your cholesterol; they do just the opposite.”

Rick Warren

“The most difficult area to surrender for many people is their money. Many have thought, “I want to live for God but I also want to earn enough money to live comfortably and retire someday.” Retirement is not the goal of a surrendered life, because it competes with God for the primary attention of our lives. Jesus said, “You cannot serve both God and money” 

Rick Warren

“When life has meaning, you can bear almost anything; without it, nothing is bearable.”

Rick Warren

“«¡Interpretar sin aplicar es lo mismo que abortar!»” 

Rick Warren

“Living the rest of your life for the glory of God will require a change in your priorities, your schedule, your relationships, and everything else.”

Rick Warren

“Debo obedecer a Dios en fe. Siempre que confiemos en la sabiduría divina y hagamos todo lo que nos manda, aunque no lo entendamos, estaremos afianzando la amistad con Dios.”

Rick Warren

“Nehemías recorre los muros de la ciudad y los inspecciona. En medio de la noche, con la única ayuda de un pequeño grupo, sale para inspeccionar personalmente los daños. A diferencia de Paul Revere, Nehemías no quiere llamar la atención. Todo buen líder es capaz de comprender lo que estaba haciendo Nehemías. Estaba realizando su labor previa. Estaba comprobando el trasfondo de la situación. Este es el aspecto del liderazgo del cual nunca oímos hablar: es la parte solitaria de la labor. La preparación, la comprobación de datos y la investigación no tienen nada de encantadoras ni de emocionantes. Pero sin ellas el plan está condenado al fracaso.”

Rick Warren

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