“Oh that we would hunger to be filled with the Word of God; for there is no greater armor, no greater strength, no greater assurance that He is with us, and in us, when we go forth in battle equipped and nourished by His instruction and determined to stand firm on His promises.”
Billy Graham
“He will give his angels charge of you to guard you in all your ways. PSALM 91:11 RSV A secret agent is one who seeks to protect his country, his king, or his president against evil forces that are opposed to the one he serves. The American Secret Service is charged with protecting the president of the United States. They do an excellent job, but even they will tell you that someone who is fiercely determined to assassinate the president could be successful. God has His own secret agents—the angels. Unseen and unrecognized by the world, they never fail in their appointed tasks. Much has been written recently about angels—often not based on the Bible but on popular legends. But angels are real, and God has commanded them to watch over us. Only in eternity will we know how many accidents they prevented or how often they kept Satan’s malicious spirits at bay. In the meantime, we can take comfort in their presence and thank God for the love He expresses for us through their service.
Billy Graham
“There is no doubt that nations come to an end when they have ceased to fulfill the function that God meant for them.”
Billy Graham
“I find something new in the Bible every time I read it . . . that can be the experience of everyone who comes to it wanting to discover more of God’s truth.”
Billy Graham
“Faith is loved and honored by God more than any other single thing.”
Billy Graham
“Someday your children will leave; you can’t hold on to them or control them forever, nor should you.”
Billy Graham
“We should be about our Father’s business by pouring His compassionate love into aching and parched souls that have nowhere to turn, no one to love, and no one to care. Let them see Jesus in us. That is a living testimony.”
Billy Graham
“The Ten Commandments are just as valid today as they were when God gave them. They reflect the moral character of God, and they also provide the foundation of right living with others.”
Billy Graham
“[Multitudes] have never been born again. They will go into eternity lost—while thinking they are saved because they belong to the church, or were baptized.”
Billy Graham
“If our faith isn’t rooted in the Bible, it will wither like a plant pulled out of the soil.”
Billy Graham
“Some evangelists spend too much time thinking and even planning about how to achieve visible results. This is an easy trap to fall into.”
Billy Graham
“I have yet to see Satan overcome a truly joyful Christian.”
Billy Graham
“I don’t think people can live without hope. What oxygen is to the lungs, hope is to our survival in this world. And the Bible is filled with hope.”
Billy Graham
“The greatest testimony to this dark world today would be a band of crucified and risen men and women, dead to sin and alive unto God, bearing in their bodies “the marks of the Lord Jesus” [Galatians 6:17 NKJV].”
Billy Graham
“Daniel and his companions were tempted to forsake their godly heritage but they refused. They even faced a fiery furnace rather than compromise.”
Billy Graham