“Death carries with it a certain dread. It [is] the enemy, the great, mysterious monster that makes people quake with fear.”

Billy Graham

“God’s star promised peace to the whole world . . .too often man’s synthetic stars bring fear and anxiety. Our gadget-filled paradise, suspended in a hell of international insecurity, certainly does not offer us the happiness of which the last century dreamed. But there is still a star in the sky.”

Billy Graham

“Spiritually, we have wandered far from the faith of our fathers . . . no nation which relegates the Bible to the background, which disregards the love of God and flouts the claims of the Man of Galilee, can long survive.”

Billy Graham

“A godlikeness of character is the Christian’s proper heritage in this earthly walk.”

Billy Graham

“God’s holiness demands that sin be punished—but God’s love has provided the way of redemption through Christ.”

Billy Graham

“Hundreds of philosophies and scores of religions have been invented to circumvent the Word of God. Modern philosophers and psychologists are still trying to make it appear that there is some way out other than the path of Jesus.”

Billy Graham

“Jesus Christ was the Master Realist when He urged men to prepare for death, which was certain to come. Do not worry, said the Lord Jesus, about the death of the body, but rather concern yourself with the eternal death of the soul.”

Billy Graham

“You cannot argue with [Satan], for he is the greatest debater of all time.”

Billy Graham

“Some [young people] are taking pills called “heaven or hell” drugs, because you’re liable to experience either one.”

Billy Graham

“The church should not reflect pop culture but portray godly attributes. The church should not seek pleasures but seek after God.”

Billy Graham

“Men and women may devise plans to satisfy their inner longings, but in the midst of all the “religions” of the world, God’s way is available in the Bible for all who will come to Him on His terms.”

Billy Graham

“How do we prepare for that last day? Before we embark on our final trip, have we left an earthly home in a state of chaos or a condition of order?”

Billy Graham

“One result of family failure has been the loss of dignity. No better example can be found than in the use of language. [Language has been reduced to] a four-letter word in movies, on television, in comedy routines, and in real life.”

Billy Graham

“Death is said in the Bible to be a coronation for the Christian.”

Billy Graham

“A true messenger lives a burdened life. If he is the Lord’s vessel, he carries in his heart a burden for souls none can share but those who know it firsthand.”

Billy Graham

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