“June 25 Be Kind and Encouraging It [Love] is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly. Love (God’s love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong]. 1 CORINTHIANS 13:5”

Joyce Meyer

“Psalm 125:1–2 says: “Those who trust in, lean on, and confidently hope in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved but abides and stands fast forever. As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the Lord is round about His people from this time forth and forever.”

Joyce Meyer

“Here the Lord is saying to us, “If any of you is fainthearted, you will not be able to stand against the enemy.” A fainthearted person cannot take much. He has to have everything a certain way or he gives up and quits. He gets discouraged and depressed quickly. He gets his feelings hurt easily. Everything bothers him. He is touchy. If that describes you, I want you to know that you don't have to stay that way. The power of God is available to you to break that fainthearted spirit off your life.

Joyce Meyer

“SEPTEMBER 5 Stay Out of Strife He who is of a greedy spirit stirs up strife, but he who puts his trust in the Lord shall be enriched and blessed. PROVERBS 28:25 Probably 80 percent of the places we visit in our ministry have church members who are riddled with strife. Strife is the devil’s tool against us. It takes personal self-control to stay out of strife. If you want to keep peace, you can’t always say everything you want to say. Sometimes you have to control yourself and apologize even when there is nothing in you that wants to do so. But if you sow the godly principle of harmony and unity today, a time will come when you will reap the blessings of all it can bring to you.”

Joyce Meyer

“God sees and understands what we do not see and understand. He asks us to put aside our natural tendencies to want to figure out what should happen in our lives and when it should happen. He also desires us to stop being frustrated because things do not go according to our plan, and instead to relax, enjoy the ride, and trust He is working everything out according to His timing and the wisdom of His plan.”

Joyce Meyer

“and decide you really do want a hot fudge sundae! Go ahead and eat it. It is continual excess that causes trouble—not occasional liberties. God created a wide variety of foods for us to eat. Every good food God made, you can eat.”

Joyce Meyer

“Do you know how God tests our faithfulness? He assigns us to do something for a period of time that we don't want to do, something that is not fun o exciting, something that may require us to submit to someone else's authority for a while, and He'll tell us in our heart, “Just be faithful.”

Joyce Meyer

“One of the ingredients of forming good habits and breaking bad ones is focusing on what you want to do and not on what you want to stop doing.”

Joyce Meyer

“character simply by listening to their conversation. The more loving our words and actions are toward others, the more loving and kind our thoughts will be.”

Joyce Meyer

“Great relationships are one of the most precious treasures in life, but we must feed them regularly by putting time into them. If you find you have no time to develop and maintain strong, intimate relationships with God, with yourself, and with your family and friends, then you are absolutely too busy.”

Joyce Meyer

“Be it unto you, even as you believe. In God's economy, we believe first and then see.”

Joyce Meyer

“Faithfulness is not doing something right once but doing something right over and over and over and over.”

Joyce Meyer

“Take responsibility for your anger and learn to deal with it—process it and bring closure to it, and that will relieve the pressure.”

Joyce Meyer

“Don’t ever flirt with sin.”

Joyce Meyer

“If we stare at our problems too much, think and talk about them too much, they are likely to defeat us. Glance at your problems but stare at Jesus.”

Joyce Meyer

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