“Common people with uncommon goals who make an uncommon commitment can help an uncommon number of people who can also lead other common people to do uncommon things. Develop your potential to the full. And as you do, lead others in developing theirs. Be all you can be. Then help someone else be all they can be.”

Joyce Meyer

“If you're fighting moodiness and depression you don't want to hang around a bunch of other moody and depressed people.”

Joyce Meyer

“Encouraging someone and speaking truth into someone’s life when God asks you to do so are healthy and wonderful things—but it’s never right to make a quick, dismissive judgment. Our judgments based on external appearances don’t have all the information and wisdom that”

Joyce Meyer

“No matter what you might be going through right now, I encourage you to make a decision that God will bring you through, and you do not have to be afraid of lack in any area of your life because God is faithful.”

Joyce Meyer

“Never lag in zeal and in earnest endeavor; be aglow and burning with the Spirit, serving the Lord. ROMANS 12:11”

Joyce Meyer

“The person who forgives is always greater than the one who is jealous and angry.” 

Joyce Meyer

“It is good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord God and made Him my refuge, that I may tell of all Your works. PSALM 73:28” 

Joyce Meyer

“Justified means just as if you've never sinned.” 

Joyce Meyer

“First we must understand that when God calls us to do something, we should not say that we cannot do it. If God says we can, then we can! So often we speak out of our insecurities, or we verbalize what others have previously said about us, or what the devil has told us.” 

Joyce Meyer

“Don’t wait to “feel” like doing a thing to do it. Live by decision, not emotion.”

Joyce Meyer

“We all need to realize that we're on a journey, and we are making progress.” 

Joyce Meyer

“When you pray be sure that you listen as well as talk. You have things you want to say to God but He also has things He wants to say to you.”

Joyce Meyer

“I shall find favor, good understanding, and high esteem in the sight [or judgment] of God and man. —PROVERBS 3:4”

Joyce Meyer

“You can have Jesus in your spirit and have an outrageous mess in your soul, and if you don't know what that's called, it's called religion.”

Joyce Meyer

“Power Thought: God uses my weaknesses to show His strength.”

Joyce Meyer

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