“What happens in private always has an effect upon what happens in public.
Joyce Meyer
“Si tenemos una mente negativa, tendremos una vida negativa. Si, por otro lado, renovamos nuestra mente de acuerdo con la Palabra de Dios, como promete Romanos 12:2, verificaremos por experiencia propia “cuál es la voluntad de Dios: lo que es bueno, aceptable y perfecto” para nuestras vidas.”
Joyce Meyer
“80% of people's problems are about how they feel about themselves.”
Joyce Meyer
“They want a miracle to correct their lack of discipline
Joyce Meyer
“You can be called to do something that feels difficult to your flesh, but if you can get beyond your initial doubts and find that you have peace once you are doing it, then you will know that God is confirming your natural talents.”
Joyce Meyer
“God will give us the grace to deal with tomorrow, but He won't give it to us until tomorrow gets here.”
Joyce Meyer
“When I am in the midst of difficulty, I often turn to Romans 8:35–39, and I remind myself that no matter how difficult life is, God loves me. I try to remember that at times, I may appear as a sheep being led to slaughter, but in the midst of these things, I am more than a conqueror. To me, this simply means that we can always be assured of victory eventually. We may go through very difficult things, but following the principles God has set out for us in His Word will bring us through safely every time.”
Joyce Meyer
“Leaders are not born; I believe they are made.”
Joyce Meyer
“God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say “thank you”?
Joyce Meyer
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.”
Joyce Meyer
“Matthew 5:41 says to go the extra mile—don’t just do what you have to do. I believe the Lord has caused me to know that real excellence is to do the more excellent thing even when nobody is looking—even when nobody is around to reward us, notice us, or recognize us as exceptional people.”
Joyce Meyer
“You have strengths and weaknesses, and you do things right and you do things wrong. You sin, just as everyone else does. And sin is sin, despite its nature or magnitude. Regardless of how hard we try, none of us will ever be completely perfect in this life, but not being perfect at everything we do does not mean we have no worth or value. You are special—unique—and that means there is only one like you, imperfections and all.”
Joyce Meyer
“A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.”
Joyce Meyer
“To get the victory and keep our attitude one of hope, we need to renew our mind to God's promises concerning our situation and stand in faith, believing God will do what His Word says He will do.”
Joyce Meyer
“We cannot control the temperaments we are born with; they are God’s choice. We can work with the Holy Spirit to achieve balance, but basically we are who we are.”
Joyce Meyer