“Let God fight your battles while you remain at rest, trusting Him.”

Joyce Meyer

“No matter what you are going through or what storms you are facing in life, take your position. Don’t give up. Stand still. Enter God’s rest. See the salvation of the Lord. Quit worrying and trying to figure out everything that is happening around you. And above all, worship God. Remember, no matter what your battle is, it is not yours; the battle belongs to the Lord, and He has a plan to bring you victory.”

Joyce Meyer

“I may not be where I need to be but I thank God I am not where I used to be.” 

Joyce Meyer

“At this moment, each one of us is as close to God’s throne of grace as we choose to be.”

Joyce Meyer

Sometimes when people get saved and filled with the Holy Spirit, they think everything is going to come to them by means of a miracle. Getting saved simply means giving ourselves up to God by taking ourselves out of our own keeping and entrusting ourselves into His keeping. God does miracles, but He also expects us to do our part

Joyce Meyer

“I believe confidence is all about being positive concerning what you can do -- and not worrying over what you can't do. A confident person is open to learning, because she knows that her confidence allows her to walk through life's doorways, eager to discover what waits on the other side. She knows that every new unknown is a chance to learn more about herself and unleash her abilities.”

Joyce Meyer

“Fear is not God’s will for you.”

Joyce Meyer

“If we were supposed to be looking back at where we came from, we would have eyes in the back of our head, but we don’t. Our eyes are at the front of us, so we can always look forward.”

Joyce Meyer

“Acts 10:38 says, “See how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth who went about doing good.” He just got up every day and did good. Everywhere he went, even though he had a purpose and he was headed somewhere, he let himself be interrupted by the needs of people. So often we study the steps of Jesus. Maybe we need to study the stops of Jesus. The things that he stopped for, the things that interrupted his plan, where he would alter his plan and help somebody here and there.” 

Joyce Meyer

“You will enjoy the fulfillment of your potential when you develop it. And the way to do that is by keeping at it, refusing to quit and never giving up.”

Joyce Meyer

“It doesn’t matter what the situation looks like around you; God is greater than any obstacle you may be facing. Don’t assume that where you’ve been, or where you are, is as good as it gets.”

Joyce Meyer

“God sees and understands what we do not see and understand. He asks us to put aside our natural tendencies to want to figure out what should happen in our lives and when it should happen. He also desires us to stop being frustrated because things do not go according to our plan, and instead to relax, enjoy the ride, and trust He is working everything out according to His timing and the wisdom of His plan.”

Joyce Meyer

“My family is healthy and prosperous. Everything we lay our hand to is blessed. —3 JOHN 2 & DEUTERONOMY 28:8, 11-12”

Joyce Meyer

“We become addicted to approval when we base our self-worth on how people treat us or on what we believe they think about us.”

Joyce Meyer

“If I am doing the best I can and people don’t approve, what they think will have to be between them and God.

Joyce Meyer

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