“My father rules an entire planet." "He's losing it.”

Frank Herbert

“The price we paid was the price men have always paid for achieving a paradise in this life--we went soft, we lost our edge.”

Frank Herbert

“he fought the temptation to choose a clear, safe course, warning “That path leads ever down into stagnation.”

Frank Herbert

“Beyond a critical point within a finite space, freedom diminishes as numbers increase. This is as true of humans in the finite space of a planetary ecosystem as it is of gas molecules in a sealed flask. The human question is not how many can possibly survive within the system, but what kind of existence is possible for those who do survive.

Frank Herbert

“The people must learn how well I govern them. How would they know if we didn’t tell them?”

Frank Herbert

“They’ve also sent some incidental things—jewelry for the Lady Jessica, spice liquor, candy, medicinals. My men are processing the lot right now.”

Frank Herbert

“We will never forgive and we will never forget.”

Frank Herbert

“Who asks for justice? We make our own justice.”

Frank Herbert

“Paul felt that he had been infected with terrible purpose. He did not know yet what the terrible purpose was.”

Frank Herbert

“Come, come," the Baron said. "We don't have much time and pain is quick. Please don't bring it to this, my dear Duke." The Baron looked up at Piter who stood at Leto's shoulder. "Piter doesn't have all his tools here, but I'm sure he could improvise." "Improvisation is sometimes the best, Baron.”

Frank Herbert

“The willow submits to the wind and prospers until one day it is many willows—a wall against the wind. This is the willow’s purpose.”

Frank Herbert

“it’s a human trait that when we encounter personal problems, those things most deeply personal are the most difficult to bring out for our logic to scan. We tend to flounder around, blaming everything but the actual, deep-seated thing that’s really chewing on us.”

Frank Herbert

“You must be always hungry and thirsty.” The Baron caressed his bulges beneath the suspensors. “Like me.”

Frank Herbert

“Mankind has only one science… its the science of discontent.”

Frank Herbert

“It is so shocking to find out how many people do not believe that they can learn, and how many more believe learning to be difficult.”

Frank Herbert

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