General Idioms
No big deal
Meaning: no need to worry
Fill in the blanks
Meaning: figure out the rest on your own
Something’s fishy
Meaning: something’s strange
Have stumbled upon
Meaning: to accidentally discover something
Take it easy
Meaning: calm down
In the nick of time
Meaning: when something happens at the last possible
Low down
Meaning: to receive the full story
Driving me bananas
Meaning: making me feel crazy
It’s all flooding back to me
Meaning: beginning to remember something you once
I’m feeling blue
Meaning: to feel sad
In the bag
Meaning will definitely happen
In the nick of time
Meaning when something happens at the last possible
Inside scoop
Meaning the details
It’s all flooding back to me
Meaning beginning to remember something you once
Kick the bucket
Meaning to die/no longer work
Kill two birds with one stone
Meaning accomplish two things at once
Laid back
Meaning relaxed
Last shot
Meaning Last chance
Leading someone on
Meaning having someone believe something that isn't true
Lend a hand
Meaning help someone out