General Idioms

Let’s bounce
Meaning: to leave

Time flies
Meaning: time passes by fast

Throw an idea around
Meaning: casually suggest an idea

Can’t stand (something)
Meaning: to dislike something

Hang out
Meaning: spend time with a friend

I’ll toss it around
Meaning: to casually suggest an idea to people

Fill in the blanks
Meaning: figure out the rest on your own

In the nick of time
Meaning: when something happens at the last possible moment

Take a chill pill
Meaning: a way of telling someone to calm down

I made a key decision
Meaning: make an important decision

Idioms by Category


Let it ride
Meaning to allow something to remain as it is

Let’s boogie on out
Meaning et’s all leave together

Let’s bounce
Meaning to leave

Locked in
Meaning to give full concentration too

Low down
Meaning to receive the full story

No big deal
Meaning no need to worry

On the same page
Meaning having similar thoughts

Out of nowhere
Meaning unexpected

Out of the blue
Meaning unexpected

Pull the plug
Meaning to end something/someone

Phrasal Verbs

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