General Idioms
Driving me bananas
Meaning: making me feel crazy
I’m feeling blue
Meaning: to feel sad
Check out that
Meaning: give that a look
In the nick of time
Meaning: when something happens at the last possible
Have stumbled upon
Meaning: to accidentally discover something
Take it easy
Meaning: calm down
Get over it
Meaning: forget about the past
Big task on your hand
Meaning: having something important to finish
Easier said than done
Meaning: easy to say, but hard to actually do
What’s up?
Meaning: How are you?
Put a sock in it
Meaning be quiet
Rally the troops
Meaning to gather friends together
Since day one
Meaning for a long time
Something’s fishy
Meaning something’s strange
Speak of the Devil
Meaning when you see someone/something happens
unexpectedly while talking about them
Spill the beans
Meaning to tell the secret
Spur of the moment
Meaning to make a random decision
Stay on track
Meaning to stay focused on the goal
Stick with your goal/stick
with it
Meaning to continue doing something
Take a chill pill
Meaning a way of telling someone to calm down