General Idioms

Something’s fishy
Meaning: something’s strange

Kill two birds with one stone
Meaning: accomplish two things at once

Leading someone on
Meaning: having someone believe something that isn't true

Speak of the Devil
Meaning: when you see someone/something happens unexpectedly while talking about them

No big deal
Meaning: no need to worry

Hands down
Meaning: for certain the right answer

How’s it going?
Meaning: How are you?

Easier said than done
Meaning: easy to say, but hard to actually do

Spur of the moment
Meaning: to make a random decision

Hang on a second
Meaning: wait for a moment

Idioms by Category


Put a sock in it
Meaning be quiet

Rally the troops
Meaning to gather friends together

Since day one
Meaning for a long time

Something’s fishy
Meaning something’s strange

Speak of the Devil
Meaning when you see someone/something happens unexpectedly while talking about them

Spill the beans
Meaning to tell the secret

Spur of the moment
Meaning to make a random decision

Stay on track
Meaning to stay focused on the goal

Stick with your goal/stick with it
Meaning to continue doing something

Take a chill pill
Meaning a way of telling someone to calm down

Phrasal Verbs

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