General Idioms
I’m feeling blue
Meaning: to feel sad
To touch base
Meaning: to contact someone
Stay on track
Meaning: to stay focused on the goal
Spur of the moment
Meaning: to make a random decision
Take a chill pill
Meaning: a way of telling someone to calm down
Locked in
Meaning: to give full concentration too
A blessing in disguise
Meaning: seems bad, but it's actually good
Leading someone on
Meaning: having someone believe something that isn't true
Since day one
Meaning: for a long time
Pull the plug
Meaning: to end something/someone
Take him out of the picture
Meaning remove him from the situation
Take it easy
Meaning calm down
That’s tight
Meaning that’s awesome
The last straw
Meaning the last thing that causes everything to fail
The stars have aligned
Meaning the moment is right
Throw an idea around
Meaning casually suggest an idea
Time flies
Meaning time passes by fast
To touch base
Meaning to contact someone
Up a creek without a paddle
Meaning in a bad situation
What’s up?
Meaning How are you?