General Idioms

Out of nowhere
Meaning: unexpected

Driving me bananas
Meaning: making me feel crazy

Rally the troops
Meaning: to gather friends together

Get over it
Meaning: forget about the past

I made a key decision
Meaning: make an important decision

Beating around the bush
Meaning: not discussing what is important/procrastinating

Draw the line
Meaning: the point where you decide not to do something

Let’s bounce
Meaning: to leave

Spill the beans
Meaning: to tell the secret

It’s all flooding back to me
Meaning: beginning to remember something you once forgot

Idioms by Category


Take him out of the picture
Meaning remove him from the situation

Take it easy
Meaning calm down

That’s tight
Meaning that’s awesome

The last straw
Meaning the last thing that causes everything to fail

The stars have aligned
Meaning the moment is right

Throw an idea around
Meaning casually suggest an idea

Time flies
Meaning time passes by fast

To touch base
Meaning to contact someone

Up a creek without a paddle
Meaning in a bad situation

What’s up?
Meaning How are you?

Phrasal Verbs

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