“think to have a successful marriage, you need two very good forgivers.”

Billy Graham

“[Today] there is less emphasis on redemption by the blood of Christ.”

Billy Graham

“The Ten Commandments are just as valid today as they were when God gave them. They reflect the moral character of God, and they also provide the foundation of right living with others.”

Billy Graham

“Preaching the whole council of God involves man’s environment and physical being as well as his soul. There is no doubt that the church is in danger of getting off the main track and getting lost.”

Billy Graham

“With an old head and a young heart, you can be a source of real strength [to others] who need your cheer and encouragement.”

Billy Graham

“The greatest waste in all of our earth is our waste of the time God has given us each day.”

Billy Graham

“I have had the privilege of preaching the Gospel on every continent in most of the countries of the world, and I have found that when I present the simple message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, with authority, quoting from the very Word of God—He takes that message and drives it supernaturally into the human heart.”

Billy Graham

“If [Jesus] felt that He had to pray, how much more do we need to pray!”

Billy Graham

“We are the most informed people in the history of civilization—and yet the most confused. Though our heads are crammed with knowledge, our hearts are empty.”

Billy Graham

“There is a great counterfeiter who adapts himself to every culture, even deceiving true believers at times. He doesn’t charge on the scene clothed in red and wearing a hideous mask but charms his way as an “angel of light.” This is how Satan operates.”

Billy Graham

“In our desire to make Christ known and to increase the influence of the church, we are many times prone to think that Christians and the church can be made popular with the unbelieving world. This is a grave mistake on the part of the church.”

Billy Graham

“We have changed our moral code to fit our behavior instead of changing our behavior to harmonize with God’s moral code.”

Billy Graham

“Why shouldn’t we have laws forbidding pornography and obscenity? Many heroic leaders have tried, but they have stumbled over even the definition of the word “obscenity.” If we cannot agree on the length of a foot, it is because we have lost our yardstick.”

Billy Graham

“I hope the day will never come when the church abandons the “class meeting” and the prayer service . . .The old-fashioned “testimony” meeting should be revived, for through this medium we can share with others our faith and triumphs as well as our needs and mistakes.”

Billy Graham

“God’s standard is expressed in the Bible, and the ultimate example of that standard is Jesus Christ. When we live by the truth, we possess integrity.”

Billy Graham

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