“The converted person will love the good he once hated, and hate the sin he once loved.”
Billy Graham
“Never forget: Death was Satan’s greatest victory.”
Billy Graham
“[Christians] are commanded to warn the nations of the world that they must repent and turn to God while there is yet time.”
Billy Graham
“The Bible teaches that man’s chief problem is spiritual.”
Billy Graham
“Parents, pray that God may crown your home with grace and mercy.”
Billy Graham
“The evangelist cannot bring conviction of sin, righteousness, or judgment; that is the Spirit’s work. They cannot convert anyone; that is the Spirit’s work.”
Billy Graham
“The Book of Psalms is the Bible’s hymnbook. It will show you what it means to walk with God in prayer and praise.”
Billy Graham
“My wife Ruth once said, “If our children have the background of a godly, happy home and this unshakeable faith that the Bible is indeed the Word of God, they will have a foundation that the forces of hell cannot shake.”
Billy Graham
“The late Dr. Harry Ironside once said, “Beware lest we mistake our prejudices for our convictions.” To be sure, we must deplore wickedness, evil, and wrongdoing, but our commendable intolerance of sin too often develops into a deplorable intolerance of sinners. Jesus hates sin but loves the sinner.”
Billy Graham
“Has God designated any one person here on earth to speak with final authority about Him? No—the one Man who could do that lived two thousand years ago, and we crucified Him!”
Billy Graham
“Gratitude is one of the greatest Christian virtues; ingratitude, one of the most vicious sins.”
Billy Graham
“One of the Christian’s responsibilities in following Christ is to have a new attitude toward work. So many young people want Christ without responsibility . . . whatever work a Christian does . . . he should do his best.”
Billy Graham
“It’s tough to be a Christian in our world. We need to be willing to take on Jesus’ unpopularity and the scorn that is often heaped on Him.”
Billy Graham
“Thousands of pastors, Sunday school teachers, and Christian workers are powerless because they do not make the Word the source of their preaching or teaching.”
Billy Graham
“God never leads us to do anything that is contrary to His Word. But the opposite is also true: God always leads us to do everything that is in agreement with His Word.”
Billy Graham