“Preparing you for these two questions is the goal of this book. The first question will determine where you spend eternity. The second question will determine what you do in eternity. By the end of this book you will be ready to answer both questions.”

Rick Warren

“Dios no es tan solo el punto de partida en tu vida, sino la fuente de ella. Debes ir a la Palabra de Dios, no a la sabiduría del mundo, para descubrir el propósito de tu vida.”

Rick Warren

“God made you to love you, and he longs for you to love him back. He says, “I don’t want your sacrifices—I want your love; I don’t want your offerings—I want you to know me.”

Rick Warren

“The essence of love is not what we think or do or provide for others, but how much we give of ourselves. Men, in particular, often don’t understand this. Many have said to me, “I don’t understand my wife and kids. I provide everything they need. What more could they want?” They want you! Your eyes, your ears, your time, your attention, your presence, your focus”

Rick Warren

“But faith develops in the valleys. When our dreams shatter and we feel helpless, that’s when we have to believe in God’s power and presence.”

Rick Warren

“It is a fatal mistake to assume that God’s goal for your life is material prosperity or popular success, as the world defines it. The abundant life has nothing to do with material abundance, and faithfulness to God does not guarantee success in a career or even ministry. Never focus on temporary crowns.”

Rick Warren

“Podemos desarrollar la humildad de manera práctica: reconociendo nuestras debilidades, siendo tolerantes con las debilidades de otros, estando dispuestos a ser corregidos y destacando lo que hacen los demás. Pablo aconsejó: «Vivan siempre en armonía. Y no sean orgullosos, sino traten como iguales a la gente humilde. No se crean más inteligentes que los demás«.13 A los cristianos de Filipos les escribió: «Honren más a los demás que a ustedes. No se interesen solo en ustedes, sino interésense en la vida de los demás».14 La humildad no es pensar menos de ti mismo, sino pensar menos en ti mismo. Humildad es pensar más en los demás. Las personas humildes se interesan tanto en servir a otros que no piensan en sí mismas.” 

Rick Warren

“Worship is far more than praising, singing, and praying to God. Worship is a lifestyle of enjoying God, loving him, and giving ourselves to be used for his purposes.”

Rick Warren

“The New testament commanded to love each other, pray for each other, encourage each other, admonish each other, greet each other, serve each other, teach each other, accept each other, honor each other, bear each other's burdens, forgive each other, submit to each other, be devoted each other, and many other mutual tasks. This is biblical membership!”

Rick Warren

“Un hombre vio que uno de sus vecinos salía de una iglesia un domingo por la mañana y le preguntó: «¿Ya se acabó el sermón?» El vecino le respondió con sabiduría: «No. Ya lo predicaron, pero todavía falta que lo practiquemos». Si no aplicamos las revelaciones que Dios nos da, nos volveremos espiritualmente insensibles y desarrollaremos costras. Nos volvemos torpes a la obra de convencimiento del Espíritu Santo en nuestra vida. La aplicación de la Palabra de Dios es vitalmente necesaria para nuestra salud espiritual, crecimiento y madurez cristiana.” 

Rick Warren

“here is the good news, the truth that will set you free: You don’t need their approval to be happy! So let it go! Stop wasting emotional energy on something that is never going to happen and something that isn’t necessary for you to be happy. They are miserable, but you don’t have to be. There is no sane reason for both of you to be miserable!”

Rick Warren

“May the LORD smile on you…. NUMBERS 6:25 (NLT)” 

Rick Warren

“We are products of our past, but we don’t have to be prisoners of it. God’s purpose is not limited by your past. He turned a murderer named Moses into a leader and a coward named Gideon into a courageous hero, and he can do amazing things with the rest of your life, too. God specializes in giving people a fresh start. The Bible says, “What happiness for those whose guilt has been forgiven! … What relief for those who have confessed their sins and God has cleared their record.”

Rick Warren

“In our final moments we all realize that relationships are what life is all about. Wisdom is learning that truth sooner rather than later. Don’t wait until you’re on your deathbed to figure out that nothing matters more.”

Rick Warren

“God doesn't owe you an explanation or reason for everything he asks you to do. Understanding can wait, but obedience can't.”

Rick Warren

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