“¿Sabes que reconocer tu desesperanza ante Dios puede ser una afirmación de fe? Es posible confiar en Dios y sentirse afligido al mismo tiempo.”

Rick Warren

“We bring God glory by worshiping him. Worship is our first responsibility to God. We worship God by enjoying him.”

Rick Warren

“Nothing matters more than knowing God’s purposes for your life, and nothing can compensate for not knowing them — not success, wealth, fame, or pleasure. Without a purpose, life is motion without meaning, activity without direction, and events without reason. Without a purpose, life is trivial, petty, and pointless.”

Rick Warren

“What you do with your body sets the tone for everything else. Physical health influences your mental health, your spiritual health, your emotional health, your relational health, and even your financial health.”

Rick Warren

“He wants to be included in every activity, every conversation, every problem, and even every thought.”

Rick Warren

“Humility is not putting yourself down or denying your strengths; rather, it is being honest about your weaknesses. The more honest you are, the more of God’s grace you get.”

Rick Warren

“We often confuse our identity with our habits, but the truth is, habits can be changed! Habits are things you do. They are not who you are! You have weaknesses, but you are not your weaknesses. You are a unique creation of God, flawed by your nature and choices, yet deeply loved by God. No man or woman will ever love you as much as God does. His love for you is not dependent on your habits.”

Rick Warren

“by God and for God—and until you understand”

Rick Warren

“When you live in light of eternity, your focus changes from “How much pleasure am I getting out of life?” to “How much pleasure is God getting out of my life?”

Rick Warren

“Blessed are those who endure when they are tested. When they pass the test, they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.”

Rick Warren

“Authenticity is the exact opposite of what you find in some churches.”

Rick Warren

“Cuando duermes, tu Padre celestial te cuida con amor. El sueño es un regalo de Dios, y aceptar ese regalo es un acto de confianza. Él restaura tu cuerpo y tu energía mediante el sueño.”

Rick Warren

“You will not be in heaven two seconds before you cry out, “Why did I place so much importance on things that were so temporary? What was I thinking? Why did I waste so much time, energy, and concern on what wasn’t going to last?”

Rick Warren

“You, God, created everything, and it is for your pleasure that they exist and were created. REVELATION 4:11 NLT The Lord takes pleasure in his people. PSALM 149:4 TEV”

Rick Warren

“Our culture has accepted two huge lies. The first is that if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, you must fear or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don’t have to compromise convictions to be compassionate.”

Rick Warren

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