General Riddles

Which word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly?

Take off my skin - I won't cry, but you will! What am I?
An onion.

The eight of us go forth not back to protect our king from a foes attack.
Chess pawns.

I am a four letter word. I am an animal. You use me to call your dear ones. Who am I?

I am a seven letter word. I am very heavy. Take away two letters from me and you will get 8. Take away one letter from me and you will get 80. Who am I?

What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?
Your Name

I am fair and shiny. People use me to find how hot they are. Some call me God. Who am I?

On an average, how many birthdays do men on earth have?
1, just one! It is the day when we hit the earth. It is a different story that we celebrate our birthday every year, which actually implies Anniversary.

Adam is 13 years old in 1980. In 1985 he is 8 years old. How?
The dates are in BC (Before Christ).

. At the sound of me, men may dream or stamp their feet. At the sound of me, women may laugh or sometimes weep. Who am I?

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