“Then a genius has been born!”

Napoleon Hill

“ASK any wise man what he most desires and he will, more than likely, say "more wisdom.”

Napoleon Hill

“Her entire life has served as evidence that no one ever is defeated until defeat has been accepted as a reality.”

Napoleon Hill

“TRULY, "thoughts are things," and powerful things at that, when they are mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a BURNING DESIRE for their translation into riches, or other material objects.

Napoleon Hill

“Until you have learned to be tolerant with those who do not always agree with you;until you have culrivated the habit of saying some kind word of those whom you do not admire; until you have formed the habit of looking for good instead of the bad there is in others, you will be neither successful nor happy”

Napoleon Hill

“One of Henry Ford’s most outstanding qualities is his habit of reaching decisions quickly and defi­nitely, and changing them slowly. This quality is so pronounced in Mr. Ford, that it has given him the reputation of being obstinate.”

Napoleon Hill

“Imagination is a faculty of the mind which can be cultivated, developed, extended and broadened by use.”

Napoleon Hill

“When people first come into contact with crime, they abhor it. If they remain in contact with crime for a time, they become accustomed to it, and endure it. If they remain in contact with it long enough, they finally embrace it, and become influenced by it.”

Napoleon Hill

“The mind has a definite way of clothing one's thoughts in appropriate physical equivalents. Think in terms of poverty and you will live in poverty. Think in terms of opulence and you will attract opulence. Through the eternal law of harmonious attraction, one's thoughts always clothe themselves in material things appropriate unto their nature.”

Napoleon Hill

“Sería muy útil que todo aquel que lea este libro haga un inventario de sus bienes intangibles. Un inventario así podría revelar algunas posesiones invaluables.”

Napoleon Hill

“He recalled, too, his mistake in having stopped only three feet from gold, "but," he said, "that experience was a blessing in disguise. It taught me to keep on keeping on, no matter how hard the going may be, a lesson I needed to learn before I could succeed in anything.”

Napoleon Hill

“He loaded his soldiers into boats, sailed to the enemy’s country, unloaded soldiers and equipment, then gave the order to burn the ships that had carried them. Addressing his men before the first battle, he said, “You see the boats going up in smoke. That means that we cannot leave these shores alive unless we win! We now have no choice—we win, or we perish! They won.

Napoleon Hill

“IF - and this is the greatest of them all - I had the courage to see myself as I reallyam, I would find out what is wrong with me, and correct it, then I might have a chance to profit by my mistakes and learn something from the experience of others,for I know that there is something WRONG with me, or I would now be where I WOULD HAVE BEEN IF I had spent more time analyzing my weaknesses, and less time building alibis to cover them.” 

Napoleon Hill

“Remember that your real wealth can be measured not by what you have, but by what you are.”

Napoleon Hill

“When a group of individual brains are coordinated and function in Harmony, the increased energy created through that alliance, becomes available to every individual brain in the group.” 

Napoleon Hill

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