Quotes of Arnold Schwarzenegger Back

Submit Biography of Arnold Schwarzenegger

“Don't be afraid to fail.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“All I know is that the first step is to create a vision, because when you see the vision – the beautiful vision – that creates the want power.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“It took many months in court, but the tabloid eventually published a total retraction and paid substantial damages in an out-of-court settlement. The money went to the Special Olympics in Great Britain.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“You have to build the ultimate physical machine, but also the ultimate mind”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“We are always stronger than we know.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“If it can bleed, we can kill it.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“Be hungry for success, hungry to make your mark, hungry to be seen and to be heard and to have an effect. And as you move up and become successful, make sure also to be hungry for helping others.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“To be successful, however, you must be brutal with yourself and focus on the flaws.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“The Running Man is a sci-fi action story based on a novel by Stephen King, built around a nightmare vision of America in 2017—thirty years from when we were shooting. The economy is in a depression, and the United States has become a fascist state where the government uses TV and giant screens in the neighborhoods to distract people from the fact that nobody has a job.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“The difference between those who adapted and those who didn't, Gorton said, was a willingness to totally commit.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“It turns out that the governor of California has more authority to name appointees than any elected official in America except the president of the United States and the mayor of Chicago.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“in my opinion, Pullover machines are among the most valuable exercise machines you will find in a gym.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“Dreams are for the dreamers. Goals are for achievers.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“Get daoowwn!”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“Marijuana... That's not a drug, that's a plant.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

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