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Submit Biography of Arnold Schwarzenegger

“If my life was a movie, no one would believe it.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“Milk is for babies. When you grow up you have to drink beer.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“Because lower-back pain afflicts more than three-quarters of all Americans at some point, the sit-up is fairly universally contraindicated.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“Money doesn't make you happy. I now have $50 million but I was just as happy when I had $48 million.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“Always keep in mind that training stimulates growth, but that actual growth takes place while you are resting.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“If it can bleed, we can kill it.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“Rest, let your body relax and grow. Work up gradually and don't blow it. Sometimes you can do so much your mind gets sick of it. Remember what I said earlier: Keep your mind hungry. People have a tendency to overdo things at first and then sluff off.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“For me life is continuously being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“I love it when people say that something can’t be done. That’s when I really get motivated; I like to prove them wrong.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“Don’t go where it’s crowded. Go where it’s empty. Even though it’s harder to get there, that’s where you belong and where there’s less competition.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“I saw a woman wearing a sweatshirt with Guess on it. I said, thyroid problem?”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“The average man,” explained the late Dr. Ernst Jokl, “loses fifty percent of his muscle mass between the ages of eighteen and sixty-five.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“Marijuana... That's not a drug, that's a plant.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“On the airplane, Sly and I were smoking stogies and constantly trading jokes. We never talked about the feud. We were typical guys, totally in denial, as if there had never been any problem and nothing had ever happened.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“I'm addicted to exercising and I have to do something every day.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

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