“They cannot take away our self respect if we do not give it to them.”
Mahatma Gandhi
“A man, whilst he is dreaming, believes in his dream; he is undeceived only when he is awakened from his slumber.”
Mahatma Gandhi
“Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress.”
Mahatma Gandhi
“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”
Mahatma Gandhi
“Our duty is very simple and plain. We want to serve the community, and in our own humble way to serve the Empire. We believe in the righteousness of the cause, which it is our privilege to espouse. We have an abiding faith in the mercy of the Almighty God, and we have firm faith in the British Constitution. That being so, we should fail in our duty if we wrote anything with a view to hurt.”
Mahatma Gandhi
“For a bowl of water give a goodly meal; For a kindly greeting bow thou down with zeal; For a simple penny pay thou back with gold; If thy life be rescued, life do not withhold. Thus the words and actions of the wise regard; Every little service tenfold they reward. But the truly noble know all men as one, And return with gladness good for evil done.”
Mahatma Gandhi
“A reformer cannot afford to have close intimacy with him whom he seeks to reform. True friendship is an identity of souls rarely to be found in this world.”
Mahatma Gandhi
“Stoning prophets and erecting churches to their memory afterwards has been the way of the world through the ages. Today we worship Christ, but the Christ in the flesh we crucified.”
Mahatma Gandhi
“The Gita does not decide for us. But if, whenever faced with a moral problem, you give up attachment to the ego and then decide what you should do, you will come to no harm. This is the substance of the argument which Shri Krishna has expanded into 18 chapters.”
Mahatma Gandhi
“I am of opinion that all exclusive intimacies are to be avoided; for man takes in vice far more readily than virtue. And he who would be friends with God must remain alone, or make the whole world his friend.”
Mahatma Gandhi
“Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment; full effort is full victory
Mahatma Gandhi
“The story of the creation and similar things in it did not impress me very much, but on the contrary made me incline somewhat towards atheism.”
Mahatma Gandhi
“Vivre simplement, pour que simplement d'autres puissent vivre.”
Mahatma Gandhi
“A policy is a temporary creed liable to be changed, but while it holds good it has got to be pursued with apostolic zeal.”
Mahatma Gandhi