“It takes half your life before you discover life is a do-it-yourself project.”

Napoleon Hill

“If you can't do great things, do small things in a great way.”

Napoleon Hill

“Love, alone, will not bring happiness in marriage, nor will sex alone. When these two beautiful emotions are blended, marriage may bring about a state of mind, closest to the spiritual that one may ever know on this earthly plane.”

Napoleon Hill

“One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat

Napoleon Hill

“Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become failure conscious.”

Napoleon Hill

“Only those who become “money conscious” ever accumulate great riches. “Money consciousness” means that the mind has become so thoroughly saturated with the DESIRE for money, that one can see one’s self already in possession of it.”

Napoleon Hill

“the spell of fear in the minds of the people gradually fade away and become faith.”

Napoleon Hill

“Tell the world what you intend to do, but first show it.”

Napoleon Hill

“No man is ever whipped, until he quits— in his own mind.”

Napoleon Hill

“A real student will not merely read this book, he will absorb its contents and make them his own.”

Napoleon Hill

“the work and achievements of hundreds of men of outstanding accomplishment, that there was the influence of a woman’s love behind nearly every one of them.”

Napoleon Hill

“Enthusiasm is a state of mind that inspires and arouses one to put ACTION into the task at hand. It is the most contagious of all emotions and transmits the impetus toward agreement and action to all within reach of your words.”

Napoleon Hill

“When you offer a negative thought of action, you open the negative memory-bank and you may lose all your power to persuade.”

Napoleon Hill

“You cannot succeed when surrounded by disloyal and unfriendly associates, no matter what may be the object of your definite chief aim. Success is built upon loyalty, faith, sincerity, co-operation and the other positive forces with which one must surcharge his environment.”

Napoleon Hill

“Don't wait! The time will never be just right.

Napoleon Hill

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