“we must magnetize our minds with intense desire for riches, that we must become “money conscious until the desire for money drives us to create definite plans for acquiring it.

Napoleon Hill

“It was a great surprise to me when I discovered that most of the ugliness I saw in others, was but a reflection of my own nature.”

Napoleon Hill

“The future leader in industry, to endure, must regard himself as a quasi-public official whose duty it is to manage his trust in such a way that it will work hardship on no individual, or group of individuals.”

Napoleon Hill

“nadie está derrotado mientras la derrota NO SEA ACEPTADA como una realidad.”

Napoleon Hill

“any impulse of thought which is repeatedly passed on to the subconscious mind is, finally, accepted and acted upon by the subconscious mind,”

Napoleon Hill

“The object of your definite chief aim should become your "hobby." You should ride this "hobby" continuously; you should sleep with it, eat with it, play with it, work with it, live with it and THINK with it.”

Napoleon Hill

“He did not say, “I will work there for a few months, and if I get no encouragement, I will quit and get a job somewhere else.” He did say, “I will start anywhere. I will do anything Edison tells me to do, but before I am through, I will be his associate.” He did not say, “I will keep my eyes open for another opportunity, in case I fail to get what I want in the Edison organization.” He said, “There is but one thing in this world that I am determined to have, and that is a business association with Thomas A. Edison. I will burn all bridges behind me, and stake my entire future on my ability to get what I want.” He left himself no possible way of retreat. He had to win or perish!”

Napoleon Hill

“THOUGHTS WHICH HAVE BEEN EMOTIONALIZED, (given feeling) AND MIXED WITH FAITH, begin immediately to translate themselves into their physical equivalent or counterpart.”

Napoleon Hill

“The great leaders of business, industry, finance, and the great artists, musicians, poets, and writers became great, because they developed the faculty of creative imagination.”

Napoleon Hill

“Procrastination, the opposite of decision, is a common enemy which practically every man must conquer.”

Napoleon Hill

“Life is strange, and often imponderable!”

Napoleon Hill

“The turning point in the lives of those who succeed usually comes at the moment of some crisis, through which they are introduced to their ‘other selves’. John Bunyan”

Napoleon Hill

“Until you have learned to be tolerant with those who do not always agree with you;until you have culrivated the habit of saying some kind word of those whom you do not admire; until you have formed the habit of looking for good instead of the bad there is in others, you will be neither successful nor happy”

Napoleon Hill

“Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.”

Napoleon Hill

“The strongest oak of the forest is not the one that is protected from the storm and hidden from the sun. It’s the one that stands in the open where it is compelled to struggle for its existence against the winds and rains and the scorching sun.”

Napoleon Hill

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