“Awake, arise, and assert yourself, you dreamers of the world.”
Napoleon Hill
Napoleon Hill
“El curso de las cosas acontece para enseñarnos la fe. Sólo tenemos que obedecer. Hay claves para cada uno de nosotros, y si escuchamos con humildad, oiremos la palabra justa”
Napoleon Hill
“Enthusiasm is a state of mind that inspires and arouses one to put ACTION into the task at hand. It is the most contagious of all emotions and transmits the impetus toward agreement and action to all within reach of your words.”
Napoleon Hill
“RESPOND POSITIVELY TO LIFE. Develop a positive self-image.Your image, your reactions to life and your decisions are completely within your control.”
Napoleon Hill
“your poverty is serving no one. If you’re a charitable person, you’d be a whole lot more charitable if you had lots of money.”
Napoleon Hill
“The person who uses his free time solely for personal pleasure and play will never be a success at anything.
Napoleon Hill
“Love, alone, will not bring happiness in marriage, nor will sex alone. When these two beautiful emotions are blended, marriage may bring about a state of mind, closest to the spiritual that one may ever know on this earthly plane.”
Napoleon Hill
“One of the main weaknesses of mankind is the average man's familiarity with the word "impossible.”
Napoleon Hill
“A philosophy a system of principles that will guide your thoughts and actions.”
Napoleon Hill
“Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger of faster man,
But soon or later the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can!”
Napoleon Hill
“Remember that your real wealth can be measured not by what you have, but by what you are.”
Napoleon Hill
“Do not wait; the time will never be "just right." Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.
Napoleon Hill
“Every man is what he is because of the dominating thoughts which he permits to occupy his mind.”
Napoleon Hill