“This is not to imply that we agree on everything because we don’t. Nor does it mean there are no arguments because there are. It does mean there is never any maliciousness or bitterness in our differences. It does mean each is willing to admit a mistake and apologize if he or she is wrong. It means we enjoy each other and love each other enough to put the other one first. We never part company or go to sleep without settling our differences and reaffirming our love. We’re both grateful that God has let us spend enough years together to develop a relationship and discover what real love is all about. Our prayer is that God will permit us to have many more years together before we start our walk though eternity—together.”

Zig Ziglar

“out from under it. “We never do anything well 'til we cease to think about the manner of doing it.” —William Hazlitt”

Zig Ziglar

“You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.”

Zig Ziglar

“Solomon said if you want to be wise you run with the wise; if you want to be a fool, you run with fools.”

Zig Ziglar

“_ ان القدرة على ادخار المال هي احدى المؤشرات القرية على الشخصية , و انك اذا لم تقم بادخار شيء من دخلك الحالي فانك لن تتمكن من ادخار اي شيء من دخلك المستقبلي ايضاَ .. تجاهل المتع اللحظية المؤقتة من اجل تحقيق هدف اكثر اهمية.”

Zig Ziglar

“Encouragers are people who have been successful themselves. They are people who stepped up and took risks and were able to accomplish things they may not have believed possible. Encouragers are the kind of people you can share your goals with and they will encourage you to go for it. Encouragers will also share their own mistakes with you and tell you how they overcame them to achieve success.”

Zig Ziglar

“a manager “is not a person who can do the work better than his men; he is a person who can get his men to do the work better than he can.”

Zig Ziglar

“All of us perform better and more willingly when we know why we're doing what we have been told or asked to do.”

Zig Ziglar

“You can get anything you want in this life if you help enough other people get what they want.” 

Zig Ziglar

“You cannot consistently perform in a manner which is inconsistent with the way you see yourself.”

Zig Ziglar

“One of the main reasons people fail to reach their full potential is because they are unwilling to risk anything. They are fearful of losing, failing, or getting hurt and just want to do the things they believe will keep them safe.” 

Zig Ziglar

“Take one cup of love, two cups of loyalty, three cups of forgiveness, four quarts of faith and one barrel of laughter. Take love and loyalty and mix them thoroughly with faith; blend with tenderness, kindness and understanding. Add friendship and hope. Sprinkle abundantly with laughter. Bake it with sunshine. Wrap it regularly with lots of hugs. Serve generous helpings daily.” 

Zig Ziglar

“If God would have wanted us to live in a permissive society He would have given us Ten Suggestions and not Ten Commandments.”

Zig Ziglar

“You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”

Zig Ziglar

“Life is a classroom -- only those who are willing to be lifelong learners will move to the head of the class.”

Zig Ziglar

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