“Life is like a combination lock; your job is to find the numbers, in the right orders, so you can have anything you want.”

Brian Tracy

“The way you give your name to others is a measure of how much you like and  respect yourself.”

Brian Tracy

“When in doubt, check if your actions are aligned with your purpose.”

Brian Tracy

“Make a decision today that, from now on, you are going to eliminate all the “if only’s” from your life.”

Brian Tracy

“The seventh key is that you must have a major definite purpose for your life. You must have one goal that, if you accomplish it, can do more to help you improve your life than any other single goal.”

Brian Tracy

“I've found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more  chances, Be more active, Show up more often.”

Brian Tracy

“The ability to concentrate singlemindedly on your most important task, to do it well and to finish it completely, is the key to great success, achievement, respect, status, and happiness in life.”

Brian Tracy

“Future intent influences and often determines present actions.”

Brian Tracy

“There is an old saying that "by the yard it's hard; but inch by inch, anything's a cinch!”

Brian Tracy

“Your ability to think, plan, and work hard in the short term and to discipline yourself to do what is right and necessary before you do what is fun and easy is the key to creating a wonderful future for yourself.”

Brian Tracy

“Successful people are simply those with successful habits.

Brian Tracy

“Just find out what other successful people do and do the same things until you get the same results. Learn from the experts. Wow! What an idea. Success”

Brian Tracy

“One of the very worst uses of time is to do something very well that need not to be done at all.”

Brian Tracy

“Stop for a few seconds and create a clear mental picture of yourself as completely relaxed, calm, positive, smiling, and in complete control of the interview. Then inhale deeply, filling up your lungs and putting pressure on your diaphragm. Hold this breath for a count of seven and exhale for a count of seven. While you are breathing deeply, continue to hold a picture of yourself as the very best salesperson you could possibly be.”

Brian Tracy

“Optimism is the one quality more associated with success and happiness than any other.”

Brian Tracy

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