“Concentrate all your thoughts on the task at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.” 

Brian Tracy

“The foundation of self-confidence, the basis of boldness and self-assertion, is a deep inner trust, based on living a life of perfect integrity, and disciplining yourself to live consistent with your highest values in every situation.”

Brian Tracy

“Only people can be made to increase in value. Computers and other equipment depreciate and eventually become obsolete.”

Brian Tracy

“In 80 percent or more of cases, people have three goals in common: first, a financial and career goal; second, a family or personal relationship goal; and third, a health or a fitness goal. And this is as it should be. These are the three most important areas of life. If you give yourself a grade on a scale of one to ten in each of these three areas, you can immediately identify where you are doing well in life and where you need some improvement.”

Brian Tracy

“1. What are your three most important business or career goals right now? 2. What are your three most important family or relationship goals right now? 3. What are your three most important financial goals right now? 4. What are your three most important health goals right now? 5. What are your three most important personal and professional development goals right now? 6. What are your three most important social and community goals right now? 7. What are your three biggest problems or concerns in life right now? When”

Brian Tracy

“What are your three most important business or career goals right now? What are your three most important family or relationship goals right now? What are your three most important financial goals right now? What are your three most important health goals right now? What are your three most important personal and professional development goals right now? What are your three most important social and community goals right now? What are your three biggest problems or concerns in life right now?”

Brian Tracy

“It is impossible to succeed without failing.” 

Brian Tracy

“The sad fact is that people are poor because they have not yet decided to be rich. People are overweight and unfit because they have not yet decided to be thin and fit. People are inefficient time wasters because they haven’t yet decided to be highly productive in everything they do.”

Brian Tracy

“A major reason for procrastination is a feeling of inadequacy, a lack of confidence, or an inability in a key area of a task. Feeling weak or deficient in a single area is enough to discourage you from starting the job at all.”

Brian Tracy

“Self-discipline is the ability to do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.”

Brian Tracy

“If you don't set goals for yourself, you are doomed to achieve the goals of someone else.”

Brian Tracy

“The more you discipline yourself to use your time well, the happier you will feel and the better will be the quality of your life in every area.”

Brian Tracy

“Just find out what other successful people do and do the same things until you get the same results. Learn from the experts. Wow! What an idea. Success”

Brian Tracy

“The more credit you give away, the more will come back to you. The more you  help others, the more they will want to help you.”

Brian Tracy

“Your mental picture of yourself has a powerful effect on your behavior. Visualize yourself as the person you intend to be in the future. Your self-image, the way you see yourself on the inside, largely determines your performance on the outside. All improvement in your outer life begins with improvements in your mental pictures, on the inside.”

Brian Tracy

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