“The most important success principle of all was stated by Elbert Hubbard, one of the most prolific writers in American history, at the beginning of the twentieth century. He said, ‘Self-discipline is the ability to do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.”

Brian Tracy

“The foundation of self-confidence, the basis of boldness and self-assertion, is a deep inner trust, based on living a life of perfect integrity, and disciplining yourself to live consistent with your highest values in every situation.”

Brian Tracy

“Do not wait; the time will never be “just right.” Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.

Brian Tracy

“The way you give your name to others is a measure of how much you like and  respect yourself.”

Brian Tracy

“Before you begin work, always ask yourself, "Is this task in the top 20 percent of my activities or in the bottom 80 percent?”

Brian Tracy

“Help yourself warm up and prepare mentally by repeating, “I feel happy! I feel healthy! I feel terrific!” It is not possible for you to talk positively to yourself, using words like this, without immediately feeling happier and more confident.”

Brian Tracy

“The great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving.”

Brian Tracy

“Get it 80 percent right and then correct it later.”

Brian Tracy

“The law of increasing returns says that the more you focus on doing the few things that represent the most valuable use of your time, the better you become at those activities and the less time it takes you to accomplish each one.”

Brian Tracy

“Think continually about what you want, not about the things you fear.”

Brian Tracy

“The price of success must be paid in full, in advance.”

Brian Tracy

“Everything you do is triggered by an emotion of either desire or fear.”

Brian Tracy

“Live your life in every way to earn and keep the respect of the people you respect.”

Brian Tracy

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”

Brian Tracy

“rule, once again, is that every minute spent in planning and creating checklists will save you ten minutes in execution and getting the job done

Brian Tracy

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