“In my country we go to prison first and then become President. ”

Nelson Mandela

“Tell me the truth. When you were leaving prison after twenty-seven years and walking down that road to freedom, didn’t you hate them all over again?” And he said, “Absolutely I did, because they’d imprisoned me for so long. I was abused. I didn’t get to see my children grow up. I lost my marriage and the best years of my life. I was angry. And I was afraid, because I had not been free in so long. But as I got closer to the car that would take me away, I realized that when I went through that gate, if I still hated them, they would still have me. I wanted to be free. And so I let it go.”

Nelson Mandela

“Although we had no hope of defeating the enemy in the battlefield, nevertheless, we fought back to keep the idea of liberation alive. From a conversation with Richard Stengel, January 13, 1993”

Nelson Mandela

“It is most unusual to return to a place that has changed in ways you yourself have altered.”

Nelson Mandela

“Tuve ocasión de aprender que el valor no consiste en no tener miedo, sino en ser capaz de vencerlo. He sentido miedo más veces de las que puedo recordar, pero siempre lo he ocultado tras una máscara de audacia. El hombre valiente no es el que no siente miedo, sino el que es capaz de conquistarlo.”

Nelson Mandela

“I am not a saint, unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying.”

Nelson Mandela

“Sólo la educación de las masas, puede liberar al pueblo. Un hombre educado no puede ser oprimido, si es capaz de pensar por sí mismo.”

Nelson Mandela

“We must use time wisely and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right.”

Nelson Mandela

“វាតែងតែហាក់ដូចជាមិនអាចទៅរួចរហូតដល់វាធ្វើរួចរាល់។” “គ្មានប្រទេសណាអាចអភិវឌ្ឍបាន,លុះត្រាតែប្រជាជនត្រូវបានអប់រំ។” “នៅក្នុងប្រទេសណាដែលមានប្រជាជនស្លូតត្រង់ស្លាប់,មេដឹកនាំកំពុងស្របតាមឈាម របស់ពួកគេជាជាងខួរក្បាលរបស់ខ្លួន។” “វាគឺជារឿងប្រកបដោយគតិបណ្ឌិតដើម្បីបញ្ចុះបញ្ចូលប្រជាជន​ឲ្យចូលរួមធ្វើ ហើយធ្វើឲ្យ ពួកគាត់គិតថាវាគឺជាគំនិតរបស់ពួកគាត់ផ្ទាល់។” 

Nelson Mandela

“I always knew that deep down in every human heart, there was mercy and generosity.”

Nelson Mandela

“To make peace with an enemy one must work with that enemy, and that enemy becomes one’s partner.”

Nelson Mandela

“There are times when a leader must move out ahead of the flock, go off in a new direction, confident that he is leading his people the right way.”

Nelson Mandela

“Peace is the greatest weapon for development that any person can have.” 

Nelson Mandela

“Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great, you can be that generation”

Nelson Mandela

“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite”

Nelson Mandela

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