“if you talk to a man in a second language , your talking to his brain ,if you talk to him in his mother language you're talking to his heart -”

Nelson Mandela

“لقد هددنا بالانسحاب من السلطة لنسلبهم هيبتهم وصلاحياتهم، ورغم الوساطات التي تدخلت لأجل الحل لم نتراجع، وانتصرنا نتيجة ثباتنا على موقفنا، وكانت تلك من أوائل مواجهاتنا مع السلطة واستشعرت لذة النصر التي يولدها شعور المرء أنه على حق وأن العدالة إلى جانبه”

Nelson Mandela

“It is what we make out of what we have, not what we are given, that separates one person from another.”

Nelson Mandela

“I believed that I would become a counsellor to the Thembu king,”

Nelson Mandela

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

Nelson Mandela

“Your playing small does not serve the world. Who are you not to be great?” 

Nelson Mandela

“الظلم يسلب كلاً من الظالم والمظلوم حريته” 

Nelson Mandela

“One subject we hearkened back to again and again was the question of whether there were tigers in Africa.”

Nelson Mandela

“Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great, you can be that generation”

Nelson Mandela

“Although I am a gregarious person, I love solitude even more.”

Nelson Mandela

“all remained loyal to him, not because they always agreed with him, but because the regent listened to and respected different opinions.”

Nelson Mandela

“إن المرء قد يصل في لحظة معينة إلى الإيمان بأن مصدر الظلم لم يعد في الخارج بل في داخله هو نفسه.”

Nelson Mandela

“I realized that they could take everything from me except my mind and my heart. They could not take those things. Those things I still had control over. And I decided not to give them away.”

Nelson Mandela

“Communists have always played an active role in the fight by colonial countries for their freedom, because the short-term objects of Communism would always correspond with the long-term objects of freedom movements.” 

Nelson Mandela

“Lead from the front — but don t leave your base behind.”

Nelson Mandela

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