“Rich people have small TVs and big libraries, and poor people have small libraries and big TVs.”

Zig Ziglar

“You don't have to be great to start, you have to start to be great.”

Zig Ziglar

“الجهل الذكي هو هبة عدم معرفة ما لا تستطيع القيام به . بحيث تتقدم و تقوم به”

Zig Ziglar

“Money isn’t the most important thing in life, but it’s reasonably close to oxygen on the ‘gotta have it’ scale.”

Zig Ziglar

“From wherever you are, you can go anywhere you want to go if you pick the right roads to travel.”

Zig Ziglar

“Why settle for the ‘get by’ when in the long run the good costs less?” 

Zig Ziglar

“Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes.”

Zig Ziglar

“Repetition is the mother of learning, the father of action, which makes it the architect of accomplishment.”

Zig Ziglar

“When obstacles arise, you change your direction to reach your goal; you do not change your decision to get there.”

Zig Ziglar

“Encouragement is the oxygen of the soul,”

Zig Ziglar

“you are what you are and where you are because of what’s gone into your mind,”

Zig Ziglar

“you will be on your way because you will have discovered that you can always find a capable helping hand at the end of your own sleeve.”

Zig Ziglar

“Don't let someone who gave up on their dreams talk you out of going after yours.”

Zig Ziglar

“Don't let the mistakes and disappointments of the past control and direct your future.”

Zig Ziglar

“What you get by reaching your destination is not nearly as important as what you will become by reaching your destination.”

Zig Ziglar

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