“Porque un líder afirmado que es humilde está dispuesto a aceptar un nuevo desafío, aunque eso signifique tomar riesgos, entregar el poder y perder un grado de autonomía.”
John C. Maxwell
“Uniformity is not the key to successful teamwork. The glue that holds a team together is unity of purpose.”
John C. Maxwell
“The Pareto Principle 20 percent of your priorities will give you 80 percent of your production IF you spend your time, energy, money, and personnel on the top 20 percent of your priorities.”
John C. Maxwell
“To achieve any worthy goal, you must take risks. Amelia Earhart believed that, and her advice when it came to risk was simple and direct: "Decide whether or not the goal is worth the risks involved. If it is, stop worrying.”
John C. Maxwell
“Warren Bennis and Bert Nanus say that “trust is the emotional glue that binds followers and leaders together.”
John C. Maxwell
“One mistake I’ve seen people repeatedly make is that they focus too much attention on their dream and too little on their team. But the truth is that if you build the right team, the dream will almost take care of itself.”
John C. Maxwell
“If you keep nonproductive people, the productive ones become frustrated and leave. If you remove the people who don’t add value, then the whole team gets better. It’s just like trimming trees: If you don’t cut the deadwood, eventually the whole tree falls. But if you remove the deadwood, the tree becomes healthier, the healthy branches produce more, and there’s room for productive new branches on the tree.”
John C. Maxwell
“Whom to Invite to Your Table As you bring people to your table to share ideas, be selective about whom you pick. Choose people who Understand the value of questions Desire the success of others Add value to others’ thoughts Are not threatened by others’ strengths Can emotionally handle quick changes in the conversation Understand their place of value at the table Bring out the best thinking in the people around them Have experienced success in the area under discussion Leave the table with a “we” attitude, not a “me” attitude”
John C. Maxwell
“There are two types of people in the business community: those who produce results and those who give you reasons why they didn’t.”
John C. Maxwell
“El poeta William Arthur Ward sugiere que la clave para el éxito es: Creer cuando otros dudan. Planificar mientras que los demás juegan. Estudiar cuando los demás duermen. Decidir cuando los demás postergan. Prepararse cuando los demás sueñan despiertos. Empezar cuando los demás lo dejan para otro día. Trabajar cuando los demás desean. Ahorrar cuando los demás desperdician. Escuchar cuando los demás hablan. Sonreír cuando los demás fruncen el ceño. Elogiar cuando los demás critican. Persistir cuando los demás se dan por vencidos.”
John C. Maxwell
“A team is a group of people who may not be equal in experience, talent, or education but in commitment.”
John C. Maxwell
“Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another.”
John C. Maxwell