“Always touch a person's heart before you ask him for a hand.”

John C. Maxwell

“Dreams don’t work unless you do”

John C. Maxwell

“«Decida qué hacer y hágalo; decida qué no hacer y no lo haga». La evaluación de prioridades, sin embargo, no es tan sencilla. Muchas veces las opciones no son blancas o negras, sino de muchos tonos grises. He descubierto que lo último que uno sabe es qué debe”

John C. Maxwell

“La mayoría de personas emplean más tiempo planeando sus vacaciones de verano que planeando sus vidas”

John C. Maxwell

“If you’re going to grow, you have to be intentional.” —Curt Kampmeier”

John C. Maxwell

“Four Unpardonable Sins of a Communicator”: being unprepared, uncommitted, uninteresting, or uncomfortable.”

John C. Maxwell

“La experiencia no garantiza la credibilidad, pero motiva a las personas a dar la oportunidad de probar que se es capaz.” 

John C. Maxwell

“when the real leader speaks, people listen. Leadership is influence-nothing more, nothing less.”

John C. Maxwell

“Words are the currency of ideas and have the power to change the world.”

John C. Maxwell

“The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That's the day we truly grow up.”

John C. Maxwell

“Nobody finishes well by accident.”

John C. Maxwell

“I got to the top the hard way—fighting my own laziness and ignorance every step of the way.”

John C. Maxwell

“Everything begins with a thought.”

John C. Maxwell

“I will choose and display the right attitudes. I will determine and act upon important priorities. I will know and follow healthy guidelines. I will communicate with and care for my family. I will practice and develop good thinking. I will make and keep proper commitments. I will earn and properly manage finances. I will deepen and live out my faith. I will accept and show responsibility. I will initiate and invest in solid relationships. I will plan for and model generosity. I will embrace and practice good values. I will seek and experience improvements.”

John C. Maxwell

“The bottom line in managing your emotions is that you should put others – not yourself – first in how you handle and process them. Whether you delay or display your emotions should not be for your own gratification. You should ask yourself, What does the team need? Not, What will make me feel better?”

John C. Maxwell

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