“William A. Hewitt, Chairman of Deere and Company, says, “To be a leader you must preserve all through your life the attitude of being receptive to new ideas. The quality of leadership you will give will depend upon your ability to evaluate new ideas, to separate change for the sake of change from change for the sake of me.”
John C. Maxwell
“you need to stop waiting for the man you want to become and start being the man you want to be.”
John C. Maxwell
“If you want to win over another person, first win his heart, and the rest of him is likely to follow.”
John C. Maxwell
“you must be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way.”
John C. Maxwell
“Para mucha gente en este mundo, lo que marca la diferencia nunca marcará la diferencia. ¿Por qué? Porque han escogido una actitud que no es una osesión valiosa para ellos. Si alguien no está escogiendo a propósito el tener la actitud correcta, entonces está escogiendo tener la actitud equivocada.”
John C. Maxwell
“The best way to become a person that others are drawn to is to develop qualities that we are attracted to in others.
John C. Maxwell
“But the Law of Magnetism really is true: who you are is who you attract.”
John C. Maxwell
“La motivación siempre es directamente proporcional al nivel de expectativa”
John C. Maxwell
“Humility means two things. One, a capacity for self-criticism. . . . The second feature is allowing others to shine, affirming others, empowering and enabling others.” —CORNEL WEST”
John C. Maxwell
“Every human being has value, and every player on a team adds value to the team in some way.”
John C. Maxwell
“The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like and do what you'd rather not.”
John C. Maxwell
“The writer of Proverbs observed that sharp people sharpen one another, just as iron sharpens iron. If you want to be a sharp thinker, be around sharp people.”
John C. Maxwell
“How do I fit in my area or department? • How do all the departments fit into the organization? • Where does our organization fit in the market? • How is our market related to other industries and the economy?”
John C. Maxwell