“I got to the top the hard way—fighting my own laziness and ignorance every step of the way.”

John C. Maxwell

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” -John C. Maxwell”

John C. Maxwell

“Charismatic people not only want to win, they want others to win too. That creates productivity.”

John C. Maxwell

“if you don't have peace, it isn't because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you.”

John C. Maxwell

“Novelist Victor Hugo believed, "He who every morning plans the transactions of the day and follows out that plan carries a thread that will guide him through the labyrinth of the most busy life . . . But where no plan is laid, where the disposal of time is surrendered merely to the chance of incident, chaos will soon reign.”

John C. Maxwell

“Crisis doesn’t necessarily make character, but it certainly does reveal it.”

John C. Maxwell

“No matter what our circumstances, our greatest limitation isn’t the leader above us—it’s the spirit within us.”

John C. Maxwell

“When you realize that people treat you according to how they see themselves rather than how you really are, you are less likely to be affected by their behavior.”

John C. Maxwell

“La mayoría de personas emplean más tiempo planeando sus vacaciones de verano que planeando sus vidas”

John C. Maxwell

“If a team is to reach its potential, each player must be willing to subordinate his personal goals to the good of the team.”

John C. Maxwell

“El poeta William Arthur Ward sugiere que la clave para el éxito es: Creer cuando otros dudan. Planificar mientras que los demás juegan. Estudiar cuando los demás duermen. Decidir cuando los demás postergan. Prepararse cuando los demás sueñan despiertos. Empezar cuando los demás lo dejan para otro día. Trabajar cuando los demás desean. Ahorrar cuando los demás desperdician. Escuchar cuando los demás hablan. Sonreír cuando los demás fruncen el ceño. Elogiar cuando los demás critican. Persistir cuando los demás se dan por vencidos.”

John C. Maxwell

“«No es la posición lo que hace al líder, sino el líder quien establece la posición».”

John C. Maxwell

“My friend Olan Hendrix remarked, “Strategic thinking is like showering, you have to keep doing it.” If you expect to solve any major problem once, you’re in for disappointment. Little things can be won easily through systems and personal discipline. But major issues need major strategic thinking time. What Thane Yost said is really true: “The will to win is worthless if you do not have the will to prepare.” If you want to be an effective strategic thinker, then you need to become a continuous strategic thinker.”

John C. Maxwell

“If you think you are the entire picture, you will never see the big picture.”

John C. Maxwell

“I always try to remember that I am a work in progress. When I maintain that perspective, I realize that I don’t have to be perfect. I don’t have to have it all together. I don’t need to try to have all the answers. And I don’t need to learn everything in a day. When I make a mistake, it’s not because I’m a failure or worthless. I just didn’t do something right because I still haven’t improved enough in some part of the process. And that motivates me to keep growing and improving. If I don’t know something, it’s an opportunity to try to improve in a new area.”

John C. Maxwell

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