“God can never be realised by one who is not pure of heart. Self-purification therefore must mean purification in all the walks of life.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Distinguish between real needs and artificial wants and control the latter.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“The people are like a flock of sheep, following where leaders lead them.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“kekalahan tak bisa mengecilkan hatiku” 

Mahatma Gandhi

“Suffering cheerfully endured ceases to be suffering and is transmuted into an ineffable joy. The man who flies from suffering is the victim of endless tribulation before it has come to him and is half dead when it does come. But one who is cheerfully ready for anything and everything that comes escapes all pain, his cheerfulness acts as an anaesthetic.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Numerous examples have convinced me that God ultimately saves him whose motive is pure.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“If you don't find God in the next person you meet, it is a waste of time looking for him further.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“As soon as men live entirely in accord with the law of love natural to their hearts and now revealed to them, which excludes all resistance by violence, and therefore hold aloof from all participation in violence—as soon as this happens, not only will hundreds be unable to enslave millions, but not even millions will be able to enslave a single individual. Do not resist the evil-doer and take no part in doing so, either in the violent deeds of the administration, in the law courts, the collection of taxes, or above all in soldiering, and no one in the world will be able to enslave you.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“If you want something really important to be done you must not merely satisfy the reason, you must move the heart also.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“I first learned the concepts of non-violence in my marriage.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Hinduism has become a conservative religion and, therefore, a mighty force because of the Swadeshi spirit underlying it. It is the most tolerant because it is non-proselytising, and it is as capable of expansion today as it has been found to be in the past.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Love is the strongest force the world possesses and yet it is the humblest imaginable.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Where there is possessiveness, there is violence.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“The punishment of evil doers consists in making them feel ashamed of themselves by doing them a great kindness.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“You yourself as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve love and affection.”

Mahatma Gandhi

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