“A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.”

John C. Maxwell

“Those things that hurt, instruct.”

John C. Maxwell

“When people follow a leader because they have to, they will do only what they have to. People don’t give their best to leaders they like least. They give reluctant compliance, not commitment. They may give their hands but certainly not their heads or hearts.”

John C. Maxwell

“Dale Carnegie was a master at identifying potential leaders. Once asked by a reporter how he had managed to hire forty-three millionaires, Carnegie responded that the men had not been millionaires when they started working for him. They had become millionaires as a result. The reporter next wanted to know how he had developed these men to become such valuable leaders. Carnegie replied, “Men are developed the same way gold is mined. Several tons of dirt must be moved to get an ounce of gold. But you don’t go into the mine looking for dirt,” he added. “You go in looking for the gold.” That’s exactly the way to develop positive, successful people. Look for the gold, not the dirt; the good, not the bad. The more positive qualities you look for, the more you are going to find.”

John C. Maxwell

“Do not take the agenda that someone else has mapped out for your life.”

John C. Maxwell

“The younger you are, the more likely you will give your attention to many things. That’s good because if you’re young you’re still getting to know yourself, your strengths and weaknesses. If you focus your thinking on only one thing and your aspirations change, then you’ve wasted your best mental energy. As you get older and more experienced, the need to focus becomes more critical. The farther and higher you go, the more focused you can be—and need to be.”

John C. Maxwell

“Everyone is a leader because everyone influences someone.”

John C. Maxwell

“successful people make right decisions early and manage those decisions daily.”

John C. Maxwell

“To succeed, you have to be open to problems. You have to be open to failure. And as you go up the ladder, you gain the right to get more problems.”

John C. Maxwell

“Cuando los líderes aprenden buenos valores y los viven, ellos mismos se hacen más valiosos e incrementan el valor de las demás personas.”

John C. Maxwell

“Great minds have purposes; others have wishes. Little minds are subdued by misfortunes; but great minds rise above them.”

John C. Maxwell

“The measure of a leader is not the number of people who serve him, but the number of people he serves.”

John C. Maxwell

“But what price do you put on a great memory?”

John C. Maxwell

“Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution.”

John C. Maxwell

People buy into the leader before they buy into the plan.”

John C. Maxwell

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