“A good leader encourages followers to tell him what he needs to know, not what he wants to hear”
John C. Maxwell
“Hold fast to dreams for when dreams go, Life is a barren field frozen with snow.”
John C. Maxwell
“A sign of a great team leader is the proper placement of people.”
John C. Maxwell
“When an archer misses the mark he turns and looks for the fault within himself. Failure to hit the bull’s-eye is never the fault of the target. To improve your aim, improve yourself.”
John C. Maxwell
“Uniformity is not the key to successful teamwork. The glue that holds a team together is unity of purpose.”
John C. Maxwell
“The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment you first find yourself in.” —MARK CAINE”
John C. Maxwell
“Jim Sundberg says, “Discover your uniqueness; then discipline yourself to develop it.”
John C. Maxwell
“No matter what our circumstances, our greatest limitation isn’t the leader above us—it’s the spirit within us.”
John C. Maxwell
“capítulo quinze A lei da vitória Líderes descobrem uma forma de a equipe vencer Você já pensou sobre o que diferencia os líderes que vencem dos que sofrem derrotas? O que é preciso para tornar uma equipe vencedora? É difícil identificar”
John C. Maxwell
“we need to make a few critical decisions in major areas of life and then manage those decisions day to day.”
John C. Maxwell
“A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.”
John C. Maxwell
“Goethe recommended, “Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them become what they are capable of becoming.”
John C. Maxwell
“Success comes to those who have an entire mountain of gold that they continually mine, not those who find one nugget and try to live on it for fifty years. To become someone who can mine a lot of gold, you need to keep repeating the process of good thinking.”
John C. Maxwell
“Tone, inflection, timing, volume, pacing—everything you do with your voice communicates something and has the potential to help you connect to or disconnect from others when you speak.”
John C. Maxwell