“1. Watch the news together. Select one crisis and answer the question: If I was in charge of this what would I do? List solution-steps they could take. 2. Groom the optimist in them. Have them read and listen to positive books and tapes. Feed them with big ideas from great people. 3. Have them write out their dreams. Then, have them list their skills and talents. Do any match? Ask them what they would do if they had no fear of failure. 4. Go with them to interview a visionary leader. Ask that leader how they think about problems. How do they perceive opportunities? 5. Discuss current events each week. Ask them to identify one burden or problem”

John C. Maxwell

“You can’t build a relationship with everybody in the room when you don’t care about anybody in the room.”

John C. Maxwell

“Author Noel M. Tichy says, “The ultimate test for a leader is not whether he or she makes smart decisions and takes decisive action, but whether he or she teaches others to be leaders and builds an organization that can sustain its success even when he or she is not around.”

John C. Maxwell

“It doesn’t matter how much milk you spill as long as you don’t lose your cow!”

John C. Maxwell

“You can’t take the team to the next level when you haven’t mastered the skills it takes to succeed on a personal level. It just doesn’t happen.”

John C. Maxwell

“Failure isn't failure if you do better the next time.”

John C. Maxwell

“People must have affirmation and praise in order to maintain a high level of performance. Withholding negative or critical comments is not nearly as important as giving positive input through compliments and praise.”

John C. Maxwell

“We don’t get to pick our talents or IQ. But we do choose our character. In fact, we create it every time we make choices—to cop out or dig out of a hard situation, to bend the truth or stand under the weight of it, to take the easy money or pay the price.”

John C. Maxwell

“Success for the leader is a single victory. However, when the protégé experiences success, it becomes a double win.”

John C. Maxwell

“One mistake I’ve seen people repeatedly make is that they focus too much attention on their dream and too little on their team. But the truth is that if you build the right team, the dream will almost take care of itself.” 

John C. Maxwell

“El liderazgo es influencia, la habilidad de una persona de influenciar a otros para que sigan su dirección. Los líderes famosos siempre han sabido esto.”

John C. Maxwell

“Your attitude, more than your aptitude, will determine your altitude.”

John C. Maxwell

“Nobody wanders his or her way to a dream, and nobody achieves a dream by accident. Don't shortcut the process and risk cheating yourself out of your dream!”

John C. Maxwell

“If you wait until you feel like doing something, you will likely never accomplish it.”

John C. Maxwell

“When it comes to identifying a real leader, that task can be much easier. Don't listen to the claims of the person professing to be the leader. Don't examine his credentials. Don't check his title. Check his influence. The proof of leadership is found in the followers.

John C. Maxwell

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