“Everyone enjoys being inspired. But here’s the truth when it comes to personal growth: Motivation gets you going, but discipline keeps you growing. That’s the Law of Consistency. It doesn’t matter how talented you are. It doesn’t matter how many opportunities you receive. If you want to grow, consistency is key.”
John C. Maxwell
“Haga una lista de al menos cinco pero no más de diez metas.) Ahora identifique los que requerirán la participación o la cooperación de los demás. En estas actividades, su capacidad de liderazgo redundará en eficacia.
John C. Maxwell
“People need clear objectives set before them if they are to achieve anything of value.”
John C. Maxwell
“It is easier to move from failure to success in from excuses to success.”
John C. Maxwell
“A leader with great passion and few skills always outperforms a leader with great skills and no passion.”
John C. Maxwell
“When leaders learn and live good values, they make themselves more valuable and lift the value of other people. That is the foundation of positive leadership.”
John C. Maxwell
“If your face is going to “talk” for you anyway, you might as well have it communicate something positive.”
John C. Maxwell
“La habilidad de hacer la pregunta correcta le da la mitad de la victoria en la batalla por encontrar la respuesta”
John C. Maxwell
“Anytime you are in front of other people to communicate— whether it’s on a stage, in a boardroom, on a ball field, or across a coffee table—the visual impression you make will either help or hinder you.”
John C. Maxwell
“People of integrity expect to be believed. They also know time will prove them right and are willing to wait.”
John C. Maxwell
“Don’t settle for poor performers. Keep in mind that one great person will always out-produce and out-perform two mediocre people.”
John C. Maxwell
“One of the great ironies of life is that if you give up your life, you gain it. If you help others, you benefit. If you lose yourself, you find yourself.”
John C. Maxwell
“A leader with confidence is a leader who brings out positive changes in people.”
John C. Maxwell