“Give to others? Why? I have needs too” 

John C. Maxwell

“Thinking is hard work; that’s why so few do it.”

John C. Maxwell

“When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost.”

John C. Maxwell

“Most people who decide to grow personally find their first mentors in the pages of books.”

John C. Maxwell

“People like people who like them.”

John C. Maxwell

“A forgiving spirit is the one basic, necessary ingredient for a solid relationship. Forgiveness”

John C. Maxwell

“many people have produced great results who were not “qualified.”

John C. Maxwell

“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they may have planned for you? Not much.”

John C. Maxwell

“Know the reasons you and your listener want to communicate and build a bridge between those reasons.”

John C. Maxwell

“Lo que usted es, es lo que usted atrae”. Eso es cierto”

John C. Maxwell

“If you don’t like the crop you are reaping, check the seed you are sowing.”

John C. Maxwell

“One of the ways Coach Wooden used to do that was to ask his players to acknowledge the skills and contributions of others. He told each player that if a teammate made a great pass or set a pick that allowed him to score, he should acknowledge the teammate on the way back down the court. One time a player asked, “Coach, if we do that, what if the teammate that made the assist isn’t looking?” Coach Wooden replied, “He will always be looking.” Coach knew that people look for and thrive on acknowledgment and appreciation.”

John C. Maxwell

“Risk must be evaluated not by the fear it generates in you or the probability of your success, but by the value of the goal.”

John C. Maxwell

“Inspirar a otros para hacer un mejor trabajo es el logro de un líder.”

John C. Maxwell

“How Do You Write the Word “Attitude”? Directions: 1. Write the word attitude on the left line with your “writing” hand. 2. Write the word attitude on the right line with your other hand. The word attitude written with your writing hand. The word attitude written with your other hand. Application: When you look at the word attitude written by the hand you do not write with, you see a picture of the kind of attitude we usually have when we are trying to do something new. As one person said, “Nothing should ever be done for the first time.”

John C. Maxwell

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